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  1. V

    Jonny Craig (2)

    lol, that's the way I like it. FYI I thought your name was Greg?
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    Kyle Orton

    I don't know, I think it's gallery worthy, just needs a little touch up on the hair
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    Kerry Collins

    Everything looks good except thin white line of background under his right (your left) forearm
  4. V

    Happy Birthday...

    Happy Birthday guys
  5. V

    Ahmad Bradshaw

  6. V

    Brendon Ayanbadejo

    A couple pointy spots that could use some rounding off, but overall nothing too obvious
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    Rashard Mendenhall

  8. V

    Anquan Boldin

    Nice cuts, glad you decided to share your other cuts :D
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    Ryan Howard

    This one looks great man, next time don't feather and use the SI uploader (loads quicker on this page). Great work otherwise though
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    Vince Young

    Very nice, had this saved on my computer too
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    Brett Favre

    I'm still 50/50 on this signing, but good cut lol :D
  12. V

    New to SI

    Welcome to SI
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    Ronny Paulino

    Take your time on these, you will get faster with more cuts
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    Ronny Paulino username: washstate019 password: child19
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    Ronny Paulino

    I got a lot more better quality pics if you want some for practice cg? I see pics this poor quality and I don't even touch them anymore.
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    Jonathan Stewart

    looks good here too
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    Andrea Bargnani

    looks good here
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    Marissa Miller (2)

    Let me know if you need anything changed Pugz
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    Anquan Boldin

    Most of this looks great, some choppiness here and there. You just need to work on you transition areas
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    Roy Halladay

    The face needs some work as well, looks like you cut too deep?