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  1. Rios15

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    Oh yeah and way too many turnovers still. Brooklyn I guess deserved the win but this could've easily been our game at the end with the right calls and executed chances
  2. Rios15

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    I'm cheesed though about this one... this was a real tough loss
  3. Rios15

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    Gotta steal the next one though. We should've been tied tho man. Pats gotta be feeling horrible
  4. Rios15

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    C'mon man demar came thru in this run. And made almost all his free throws
  5. Rios15

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    Man if pat made those free throws
  6. Rios15

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    Lmao dude is turnt too early
  7. Rios15

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread LOL
  8. Rios15

    Jamaal Magloire Calls Kevin Garnett a 'Talker Who Can't Back It Up'

    Hey man, in a country with just a little bit less of a population than California it means a lot... I was half joking though, no one really thanks Jamal Magloire for Canada's uprising in basketball or anything. Steve Nash is the real legend here... and hopefully many more with so many Canadians...
  9. Rios15

    Jamaal Magloire Calls Kevin Garnett a 'Talker Who Can't Back It Up'

    Magloire is a legend in the north though lol. Just trash talk. It's what makes the playoffs good anyways, I don't mind any trash talk... more heat. 
  10. Rios15

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    Don't think they would, but I don't think Brooklyn would either. I think the Heat are the clear winners of the East unless something crazy happens lol. Of course I'll be hoping the Raptors play out of their minds if they get there
  11. Rios15

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

      He's a real cool dude. Good interaction with fans all the time. He's always around the city chilling. He was out here for caribana and zombie walk, and gave out Drake CDs by my school lol.
  12. Rios15

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    Charles Barkley thinks the Raptors have a better chance against the Heat than the Nets.
  13. Rios15

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    It's not just a bunch of pick and rolls, or whatever, they obviously gotta feed him the ball and set up some post ups for him. And I meant primarily on the boards.
  14. Rios15

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    That's a horrible argument lol... Fallacy. I don't think were but hurt, rather just confused why the Raptors get no credit. The Nets ain't got a star outside of maybe JJ. Pierce only shows up in the 4th, all game he's been trash. Even in the season series which I watched. Just comparing Lowry...
  15. Rios15

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    Don't think you could say that with such confidence
  16. Rios15

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    Hopefully he becomes an asshole and demands to only play with the raptors
  17. Rios15

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    We out rebounded em 52-30. #JV
  18. Rios15

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    Don't think DeRozan had a bad game just a couple mess ups. Got to the line
  19. Rios15

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    I hate Paul pierce lol
  20. Rios15

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread
