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    who is the better story this year?

    gotta go with the Dolphins. they have really impressed me. but when again the falcons have to
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    Boston's Garnett opens camp on another mission

    Kevin Garnett hasn't had a shorter offseason. And the Boston Celtics star couldn't be happier. Garnett typically starts working out in mid-June in preparation for the season. His routine, however, changed after he led the Celtics to their first title in 22 years in 2008.Although Garnett's...
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    Jordan: 'In My Prime, No Contest' Against Kobe

    true to Jordan. he is the best that ever played that i can remember hands down. kobe is still good
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    Happy Birthday Dez

    happy birthday man
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    32 Questions: Family Ties

    The death of Sean Taylor has affected his family, friends and Redskins teammates, and another subset of the NFL community is grieving as well: Every player in the league who attended the University of Miami, whether or not Taylor was there at the time. College ties are often on public display...
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    Boston Gets By Philly

    PHILADELPHIA (AP) -The Boston Celtics hung on against a feisty Philadelphia team thanks to their Big Three - and a couple of big 3s, too. Eddie House and James Posey delivered decisive 3-pointers to help the usual, strong efforts of Paul Pierce , Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen hold up for a...
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    With the Retrun or Peterson the Vikings runaway with win With the Return of Adrian Peterson the Vikings roll over the Lions with a 42-10 win at home. Next weeks the Vikings travel to play the 49ers. the Lions will be home next week against the cowboys
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    Thousands attend Taylor funeral so people went out and showed their respect to Taylor. Well done by the Redskin community. RIP Sean Taylor my Prayers go out to his famil, friends and team mates
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    Vick surrenders to begin serving sentence early

    yea thats what I was thinking. I think Vick still wont play another game in a nfl uniform
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    NFL Fan Roll Call

    1. Who's your favorite team? Why? THe New York Giants. I grew up in New York and just always loved them 2. Who's your least Favorite Team? Why? I would go with the Cowboys and the Patriots I just cant stand them fans 3. Favorite Current Player? All-Time? Jeremy Shockey cause he is a beast...
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    whats up guys

    whats up guys. I just joined this site. it looks pretty good and active. I will try my best to be active. If you guys need any help with anything just aks I will do my best with what ever u ask me. I have experience at the staff posetions so if u need help with the staff I am here to help out