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  1. Rios15

    2015 MLB Postseason Thread

    Lmao how quiet is it there?
  2. Rios15

    2015 MLB Postseason Thread

    HOLY FUCK LOST MY SHIT RIGHT NOW. this whole bar went nuts lmao
  3. Rios15

    2015 MLB Postseason Thread

  4. Rios15

    2015 MLB Postseason Thread

    I'm at a bar right now downtown lol
  5. Rios15

    2015 MLB Postseason Thread

    If they call a double play Toronto gonna go nuts.
  6. Rios15

    2015 MLB Postseason Thread

    Baseball gods are trying to make this right lol
  7. Rios15

    2015 MLB Postseason Thread

    I think that's the reason they should have over turned it. To let a game 5 be decided on such a borderline call is really tragic
  8. Rios15

    2015 MLB Postseason Thread

    Wow if we lose the game on this play man...
  9. Rios15

    2015 MLB Postseason Thread

    Edwin hella clutch! I knew it man
  10. Rios15

    2015 MLB Postseason Thread

    So much anxiety from this game lol
  11. Rios15

    2015 MLB Postseason Thread

    Haha you actually had me confused for a couple secs
  12. Rios15

    2015 MLB Postseason Thread

    Game 5 is going to be heated. And 2 game 5s in the AL. Would love to see a Royals blue Jays series after the heated matchup with them earlier in the season.
  13. Rios15

    2015 MLB Postseason Thread

    Pull out game weak?
  14. Rios15

    2015 MLB Postseason Thread

    Basically my feelings.
  15. Rios15

    2015 MLB Postseason Thread

    So would I. But I was never opposed to stroman pitching game 5 regardless. I really wish Dickey was kept in though.
  16. Rios15

    2015 MLB Postseason Thread

    I think that's part of the reason. Stroman is also very capable of playing to the occasion and Price has said he's willing to come in in whatever situation. I still think there's a chance you'll see Price in game 5 in the later innings
  17. Rios15

    2015 MLB Postseason Thread

    I don't mind them using Price in this game based on the fact it's an elimination game and this is still the Texas Rangers. But I do agree that dickey didn't even look shakey at all and that we should have let him at the very least finish the inning. Plus because of the day rest Price will likely...
  18. Rios15

    2015 MLB Postseason Thread

    They're confident in Stroman which I think is cool but I figured you'd save price even if it was for out of the bullpen in game 5
  19. Rios15

    2015 MLB Postseason Thread

    I just want to embarrass Texas this game lol
  20. Rios15

    2015 MLB Postseason Thread

    Thinking they had the game in the bag I'm guessing? Lol.