I had a feeling accessibility would be an issue, I'll make the links white. Should balance the skin better overall, i think forum are is too dull anyway, compared to the banner/navigation area.
I really wanted to make that happen, but the posts are divided into like 4 sections, the post itself, the header above it, the sig area, and the member profile area, on top of that, there's like 7 groups of text and each has it's own attributes. It's way too much work.
Perhaps if we installed a...
no, if done correctly there shouldnt be any 'boxes' u speak of. it might just be a color fill, easy fix, get rid of that code and it will show the background of the page instead.
somebody give me admin power and put this shit in my hands for fuck sakes
I still suggest adding a 2 wrapper divs, one for banner and one for the container and give them a fixed width of 1200px or so. That way everybody is looking at the same shit
edit the banner width to match the main white container width (assuming it has a width, because this whole IPB shit is a MESS). create your own banner div if thats what it takes.. set the general codes, auto margin to center it, with no repeat, and fixed width
as for the background...