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  1. Rios15

    2015 NBA Regular Season Thread

    We know that now lol. 
  2. Rios15

    2015 NBA Regular Season Thread

    Swear there was a point where everybody loved George Karl lol
  3. Rios15

    2015 NBA Regular Season Thread

      The 10th place team is 2 games back from 1st...
  4. Rios15

    2015 NBA Regular Season Thread

    Are we still gonna keep saying the West is so much better than the East? 
  5. Rios15

    2015 NBA Regular Season Thread

    The East is actually extremely close between a lot of teams.
  6. Rios15

    NBA Trivia Week 7

    1. GRIZZLIES AT PISTONS (12/9) Who will have more rebounds: The duo of Marc Gasol and Zach Randolph, or Andre Drummond? MG and ZR   2. LAKERS AT TIMBERWOLVES (12/9) Higher total: Kobe's 3PT attempts or Kobe's assists + rebounds? Assists and rebounds   3. CLIPPERS AT BULLS (12/10) Will Joakim...
  7. Rios15

    2015 NBA Regular Season Thread

    Ross has 13 points in the 1st quarter.
  8. Rios15

    2015 NBA Regular Season Thread

    Damn what a way to give away a chance...
  9. Rios15

    2015 NBA Regular Season Thread

    I jinxed it
  10. Rios15

    2015 NBA Regular Season Thread

    Lowry is clutch, he's about to tie the game!!!
  11. Rios15

    2015 NBA Regular Season Thread

    2-3 point game between GSW and TOR
  12. Rios15

    NBA Trivia Week 6

    Shit, gonna have to start doing at least 2 bonuses now... dan was right... but fuck him lol
  13. Rios15

    2015/2016 MLB Offseason Thread

      Those are my favourites. If they're going back to that, might be one of my favourite jerseys... I guess I'm a big fan of purple.
  14. Rios15

    Zach G to DBacks for monies

      Just bandwagon fans really... I like the moves so far. Price isn't the sole reason the team was good, and Stroman wasn't there for most of the season... if he stays healthy, and our offence is still #1 in the league, I don't see how we can't win the division again. #fuckBoston lol. Having...
  15. Rios15

    Zach G to DBacks for monies

    Mexi sounds salty lol. But that's how blue Jays fans feel about how price went to Boston
  16. Rios15

    Zach G to DBacks for monies

    Wasn't expecting this
  17. Rios15

    2015/2016 MLB Offseason Thread

    Idk I always liked their purple jerseys
  18. Rios15

    TO 16 All-star jerseys

    Money ruins everything lol
  19. Rios15

    TO 16 All-star jerseys

    These jerseys actually look nice this year... and we've got a hint at what ads might look like on jerseys...
  20. Rios15

    TO 16 All-star jerseys