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  1. S

    NBA Pick 'Em, Week 7

    4\11 hawks at cavs bucks at magic hornets at celtics wizards at nets rockets at wolves bulls at pelicans lakers at thunder mavs at jazz kings at suns 4\12 knicks at pacers heat at pistons 76ers at raptors thunder at spurs grizzlies at clippers 4\14 heat at celtics raptors at nets magic at...
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    NBA Pick 'Em, Week 7

    Current Standings Pugz 408-242 Bware 326-191 Sportsguy 317-262
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    NBA Pick 'Em, Week 7

    Current Standings Pugz 407-237 Bware 324-187 Sportsguy 313-260
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    NBA Pick 'Em, Week 7

    Current Standings Pugz 400-234 Bware 316-185 Sportsguy 309-256
  5. S

    Kendrick Perkins says Kevin Durant has 'a few teams that he will be looking at'

     New Orleans Pelicans center Kendrick Perkins, with connections to both the Boston Celtics and Oklahoma City Thunder, was bombarded with questions Wednesday about where Kevin Durant might play next season. Perkins, one of the heroes from the Celtics' 2008 title squad, always draws a big media...
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    Patrick Ewing wants consideration for Knicks head coaching job

    Former New York Knicks great Patrick Ewing said he would love the opportunity to interview for the club's head-coaching vacancy. "You know, this is a great fit for me," Ewing said before the Charlotte Hornets' 111-97 win over the Knicks on Wednesday, according to reports. "I have my number up...
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    NBA Pick 'Em, Week 7

    Current Standings Pugz 398-231 Bware 313-183 Sportsguy 305-255
  8. S

    NBA Pick 'Em, Week 7

    4\6 cavs at pacers pistons at magic nets at wizards pelicans at celtics hornets at knicks rockets at mavs thunder at blazers clippers at lakers 4\7 raptors at hawks bulls at heat suns at rockets wolves at kings spurs at warriors 4\8 nets at hornets heat at magic knicks at 76ers bucks at celtics...
  9. S

    NBA Pick 'Em, Week 7

    Current Standings Pugz 398-231 Bware 304-176 Sportsguy 300-252
  10. S

    MLB Pick em

    ok ill do 5 a day starting next week
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    MLB Pick em

    standings sportsguy 3-1
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    MLB Pick em

    ok ill do 5 games a day next week
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    NBA Pick 'Em, Week 7

    Current Standings Pugz 388-230 Bware 295-174 Sportsguy 300-252
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    MLB Pick em

    ok well how many games do u guys think i should do? how hard is it too just pick the winners I could do the hard part keeping the standings
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    NBA Pick 'Em, Week 7

    Current Standings Pugz 382-225 Bware 295-174 Sportsguy 292-249
  16. S

    2016 MLB Predictions

    AMERICAN LEAGUE AL EAST 1. blue jays sox 3.orioles 4.yanks 5.rays AL CENTRAL 1.royals 2.white sox 3.tigers 4.indians 5.twins AL WEST 1.rangers 2.astros 3.athletics 4.angels 5.mariners   WILD CARDS sox 2.astros NATIONAL LEAGUE NL EAST 1.mets 2.nationals 3.braves 4.phillies...
  17. S

    MLB Pick em

    4\3 Cards at Pirates cubs at angels jays at rays mets at royals 4\4 astros at yanks giants at brewers twins at orioles mariners at rangers red sox at indians nats at braves phils at reds dodgers at padres jays at rays rockies at d backs cubs at angels white sox at A's 4\5 mets at royals cards at...
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    MLB Pick em

    4\3 Cards at Pirates cubs at angels jays at rays mets at royals 4\4 astros at yanks giants at brewers twins at orioles mariners at rangers red sox at indians nats at braves phils at reds dodgers at padres jays at rays rockies at d backs cubs at angels white sox at A's 4\5 mets at royals cards at...
  19. S

    NBA Pick 'Em, Week 7

    4\5 pelicans at 76ers hornets at raptors pistons at heat suns at hawks bulls at grizzlies cavs at bucks thunder at nuggets spurs at jazz blazers at kings wolves at warriors lakers at clippers 4\6 cavs at pacers pistons at magic nets at wizards pelicans at celtics hornets at knicks rockets at...
  20. S

    NBA Pick 'Em, Week 7

    Current Standings Pugz 378-224 Bware 295-174 Sportsguy 289-246