v2 is not that good compared to v1, v1 is the best here. but this seems to washed out, add some contrast to it. i think the text is good and the sig overall.
john wall is not getting as many calls as rose gets. sure rose in the past has shied away from contact. but this season he has improved on getting to the FT stripe. each month his FTA's have gone up.
John Wall 4.9
Derrick Rose 6.1
he is steadily behind the nba's elite in that category.
well, the celtics have if not the best defense in the nba when they decide to play and lock it up.
plus, they know what it takes to stop lebron, since they have done it in the past. only thing that is different is now, lebron has wade as his side kick. but i think the c's will beat the heat come...
Rose has a great chance of wining the mvp. if the bulls get as high as the 3 seed in the east he will win it. if the season were to end today he would win it. not tying to sound like a homer but stats back up the claim.
imo this was a bad trade for us in the long run. why give up a spec like archer? the kid has a chance to be really good. and he was our best spec in the minors. what we gaved up we could of possibly gotten ZG from KC. who i think is a better pitcher than garza. not that i hate garza, hes a good...