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  1. $tunna

    D-Will to Turkey?

    Via SLAM How do ya'll feel about NBA players going overseas during the lockout?
  2. $tunna

    Austin Rivers

    Am I doing any better here? lol
  3. $tunna

    Nets will pursue Dwight for Deron

    Do the Nets have a serious chance at Dwight?
  4. $tunna

    Kyrie files Police Report on Miss Hawaii

    Via SLAM Dag man, NBA players stay gettin' ho's
  5. $tunna


    Ehh, I wanna know what ya'll think about this one
  6. $tunna

    Smoove to Orlando?

    Man if we ain't getting Dwight, then I'd say no.
  7. $tunna

    Raptors Bring in Casey

    Via Slam Sucks, I really wish the Hawks would have got him last year.. Good pickup for the Raptors tho
  8. $tunna

    Monta a Top 3 SG?

    Ya'll think Monta is a top 3 sg in this league?
  9. $tunna

    2011 NBA Finals Thread

    Finals Talk here guys, Game 1 tonight!
  10. $tunna

    Rudy Gay for Cavs' 4th?

    Via Dime Mag This would have been huge for the Cavs haha
  11. $tunna

    Hawks to be Sold?

    Thank God, we seriously need new ownership
  12. $tunna

    Jerry West embarassed by Lakers

    Via RealGM I feel like everyones disappointed in the Lakers right now
  13. $tunna

    D-Rose, Dunks his own miss

    <iframe width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> I'll admit this was Nique/Jordan esque
  14. $tunna

    Joe Johnson, The Ankle Breaker

    <iframe width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Had to throw this up for the people that missed out, He almost literally broke his ankle lol
  15. $tunna

    Ron suspended for Game 3

    Dag LA it's not looking good right now
  16. $tunna

    JR Smith QB Pass

    <object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src=""...
  17. $tunna

    B-Roy upset with Game 2 PT

    Dag Portland..
  18. $tunna

    Team Gear Thread

    Anyone have team gear/apparel? If so what do you own?
  19. $tunna

    Nicki Minaj x Chris Paul Lapdance

    <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="640" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Wasn't even a legit one but still.....Lucky
  20. $tunna

    NBA 1st Round Playoff Prices

    I thought this was interesting