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  1. DJT

    DJT's 2011 First Round Mock 2.0

  2. DJT

    Pacers work out Smith, Fredette, T. Harris it up.
  3. DJT

    Sacramento's New Arena?

    Looks hot.
  4. DJT

    Best NBA jerseys (by team)

    Sports Illustrated Poll Pretty cool, missing a lot of jerseys that should be on there...and the winners are garbage.
  5. DJT

    DJT's 2011 First Round Mock 1.0

    Got harder the later into the round it got. I got tired towards the end eh.
  6. DJT

    Steve Nash Documentary

    Steve Nash - Trailer If someone knows how to post a video, do so. Nash is so awesome, i'd love to see this. There is a clip of him skateboarding to, I didn't know he did that, but thats even more awesome!
  7. DJT

    Kobe: "I'm highly concerned"

  8. DJT

    Record 25 prospects to attend draft

    Who do you think will wait the longest??
  9. DJT

    Wizards to unveil new look on May 10th

    Woohoo! I'm excited. I love seeing teams get new looks.
  10. DJT

    Adelman is out

    Bad decision, he's a great coach.
  11. DJT

    NBA StatsCube

    Found this interesting...I know some of you guys will like it as well. NBA StatsCube
  12. DJT

    Selby will enter draft

    I don't think this is a good decision. He didn't even do very well for Kansas. He needed to stay.
  13. DJT

    Chris Paul considering the Bobcats?

    Not sure where this should be posted, but that would really help the Bobcats out.
  14. DJT

    Morris twins to enter draft

    I totally think they should have stayed. Selby NEEDS to stay.
  15. DJT

    Anderson moving to Arkansas?

  16. DJT

    Should college athletes be paid

    I honestly don't think so. Honestly I think most college athletes get "incentives." If they get paid, then most other students will want to get paid as well. Like the debate team and all those other clubs will rise up wanting money.
  17. DJT

    Wallace: Trade was a "stab in the back"

    I understand where he is coming from, but come on Portland >>>>Charlotte.
  18. DJT

    Chargers will sign Sanders

    Possibly a good pick-up. If he can get healthy it will be a huge pick up.
  19. DJT

    My first

    V1: V2: V3: V4: I know it sucks and all that, but I want to know what some of you guys think of it. Jimmer won't be in the finished project, just trying to find a Hinrich and Deng cut.