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  1. vcu4lifegoviks


    Cool sig. It looks like its from an old comic book.
  2. vcu4lifegoviks


    Not feeling the text but the rest is sick.
  3. vcu4lifegoviks

    Terrell Suggs

    I love this bro!
  4. vcu4lifegoviks

    Chilly close to becoming Browns OC

    If I was a Browns fan I would hope he stays away from calling plays. Unless you like running every down and then punting. It seems like its still kind of up in the air about who will be calling the offensive plays for the Browns though: He actually was mainly hired by the Vikings because he...
  5. vcu4lifegoviks


    Great looking sig bro!
  6. vcu4lifegoviks


    Kinda feels like somethings missing. Maybe add something to the right side.
  7. vcu4lifegoviks

    Chilly close to becoming Browns OC

    Yes he was a total douche in Minny. He suspended a player for going to his grandmothers funeral instead of going to practice. He also cut a player on Xmas eve. The guy has horrible people skills.
  8. vcu4lifegoviks

    Chilly close to becoming Browns OC

    He never called the offensive plays in Philly and after the one year he did it in Minny he was told by the owner to hire an offensive coordinator to call plays or else he would be fired. The guy is inept in all aspects of coaching including being a coordinator.
  9. vcu4lifegoviks

    Chilly close to becoming Browns OC

    Its official. Browns Offense - TM - Browns Jan 27 - 2:48 PM Chilly lands in Cleveland Posted by Mike Florio January 27, 2012, 3:10 PM EST Sorry Cleveland.
  10. vcu4lifegoviks

    Percy Harvin

  11. vcu4lifegoviks

    Percy Harvin

    Haha. Thanks again bro.
  12. vcu4lifegoviks

    Percy Harvin

    But didn't you make it for my request? ;)
  13. vcu4lifegoviks

    Machine Gun Kelly

    The MGK text looks really good. So good it kind of takes the attention away from the rest of the sig.
  14. vcu4lifegoviks


    This is sick!
  15. vcu4lifegoviks

    Ricky Rubioooo

    Not a big fan of the text on these but V2 is pretty sick.
  16. vcu4lifegoviks

    MaRk InGrAm.

    I really like this.
  17. vcu4lifegoviks

    Donovan McNabb: Bears should have signed me

    Im so sick and tired of him.
  18. vcu4lifegoviks

    Spagnuolo joins Saints as DC

    Great signing for the Saints. Was praying he would end up with the Vikings.
  19. vcu4lifegoviks

    Senior Project Art Series.

    Thats some pretty cool work gety! So whats your major? Graphic design?
  20. vcu4lifegoviks

    Dolphins hire Joe Philbin as head coach

    Pretty solid signing by the Fins. I have to think Flynn with be following him there shortly.