In spirit of making #LIVE, I'm outlining the cash aspect right now up front.
• If you have 5+ posts by the time I post the Day 20 Boxscore, you can claim $2.
• Else, claim $1.
• If you can guess the leading point scorer, rebounder, and assist-man league wide (in an individual game) -- you...
Dysfunction. That is the most accurate word to fully describe what is going in the front office of the Sacramento Kings. The disagreements between the general manager and the coaching staff have driven nearly every member of the organization to the absolute breach of insanity...
Its your boy Bosox, aka the Independent Variable (shoutout to Lil Dicky) and I will be hosting here Sim #1 of the first season of the FBB Rebirth here at Sports Insomnia, aka The Sports Forum.
Live im starts at 8p EST tonight... who's fucking ready?! Who's here right now?