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  1. playmaker7

    Oden running again

    Injuries put a major dent in his potential, but it's good to hear that's he's at least getting active again. Hopefully he'll stay injury free for a while
  2. playmaker7

    What are those thread-like necklaces called?

    Yeah I wear one for baseball and every now and then just to do it. They don't do anything to you lol. If anything, it's a placebo effect. But in reality, it just looks dope.
  3. playmaker7

    Turris Asks Coyotes For A Trade

    This sucks for the Yotes lol they're in such a tough spot. I think Turris will come around at some point though watch
  4. playmaker7

    Bills' Fitzpatrick to sign six-year extension

    Very risky deal I don't see him as a franchise quarterback like that at all...and I doubt he'll put up the stats for the next 6 years... This is a bad deal lol
  5. playmaker7

    Josh Hamilton: God Called Home Run

    Not gonna knock the dude's beliefs but that was one damn good Homer
  6. playmaker7

    R.I.P. Start_COLT_BRENNAN_5 (Joey Watson)

    That's such a tragedy. Condolences to his family. RIP
  7. playmaker7

    Patriots Will Evaluate Terrell Owens

    This has lots of hit or miss potential...and I kinda see it being a miss lol
  8. playmaker7

    Twins Decline Nathan's Option

    Giants need to sign this dude i'd love that <3
  9. playmaker7

    Broncos put Brandon Lloyd on the trading block

    Fucking 49ers need the dude back especially with Josh Morgan out for the year
  10. playmaker7

    Asham admits his post-fight gestures were "classless"

    That knockout was dope though. That's his job, to do shit like that
  11. playmaker7

    Kobe Close to 1-Game, $2M Deal... Wait, what?

    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ God damn Kobe Only the best for the best
  12. playmaker7

    Stoudemire: Players Could Create Own League

    This is just as good as And 1 <3
  13. playmaker7

    Will Peyton Hillis Request A Trade From Browns?

    Why would he even request a trade right now... SMMFH Shit like this never happens during the season, and I doubt it happens with Hillis.
  14. playmaker7

    Al Davis dead at 82

    The Raiders lost a great one RIP Team is gonna change so much
  15. playmaker7

    Cromartie Dares Brady To Throw His Way

    I hope Tom lights his coverage the fuck up.
  16. playmaker7

    Happy Birthday!

    Thank you guys. Very much appreciated I know I'm not around much at all anymore But I'm taking shots for all of you Thanks <3
  17. playmaker7

    2011 MLB Playoff Thread

    I'm hoping the Phillies don't break down Take that shit
  18. playmaker7

    Experts agree: Weber will win Norris

    Its very possible. He is always consistent and has Norris type seasons...but can he break away and win it this year is the question. I'd give him a look
  19. playmaker7

    Colts Will Look At Orlovsky, Croyle

    I hope Painter gets out there and balls out honestly lolololol Knew they'd take Orlovsky though
  20. playmaker7

    Just letting you guys know ...

    Best of luck to you and your family man. Stay strong.