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  1. BNC

    2017 NFL Gameday Thread

    Time to give up!
  2. BNC

    Ezekiel Elliott suspended 6 games

    Have his lawyers, at any point, ever mentioned he was innocent in this? I know that’s not what this case is about but all the statements about Zeke from the lawyers have been in about how the league doesn’t have the authority/evidence to suspend him
  3. BNC

    2017/18 NBA Regular Season
  4. BNC

    Texans Deshaun Watson Tore ACL in Practice Today

    Do it, and do us all a favour and quit talking about it too
  5. BNC

    Texans Deshaun Watson Tore ACL in Practice Today

    How can someone be a fan of sports and HATE the athletes this much
  6. BNC

    NBA rumors and hearsay

    The GM handled this situation so poorly
  7. BNC

    NBA rumors and hearsay

    It’s two firsts are on the table for someone that doesn’t want to be there they gotta take it no questions asked
  8. BNC

    NBA rumors and hearsay

    I don't think NO needs to add a first here, it can get done without it
  9. BNC

    Papa John is Pissed   hahahahahahhahahaha
  10. BNC

    2017 NFL Gameday Thread

    Man he’s just not gonna get it, don’t make the mistake wasting as much time as I did
  11. BNC

    2017/18 NBA Regular Season

    Stay in NO and try and build something around those two, not sure how because they have like no assets they can move on from and very little cap space.   He's going to Lakers with Bron and PG though, along with all the other future lakers
  12. BNC

    2017/18 NBA Regular Season

    He's at 33% right now, the assists are racking up though. I didn't think this twin tower experiment would work, and it's not going to with that supporting cast unfortunately
  13. BNC

    2017/18 NBA Regular Season

    Your boy Boogie has balled the fuck out this year
  14. BNC

    2017/18 NBA Regular Season

    It's nice that he's active on defense, but that's not a great indicator of who is/isn't a good defender.    Still, this isn't something I would have ever expected
  15. BNC

    Kyrie Irving is Dumb...or a Troll

    Umm, no it's exactly what you said. Also "fuck-tard" are  you 16?
  16. BNC

    2017/18 NBA Regular Season

    Sixers are on a roll, that's so nice to see.   Oh and Cavs defense is trash
  17. BNC

    Kyrie Irving is Dumb...or a Troll

    Dude, you're dumb as shit, go worship your hack of a president some more
  18. BNC

    Kyrie Irving is Dumb...or a Troll

    Yes that's why he thought Kaepernick was protesting, as an excuse for being too lazy to stand for the anthem, it's probably the most idiotic thing I've ever heard
  19. BNC

    Kyrie Irving is Dumb...or a Troll

    Claiming he is representative of a silent majority is just a step below the grade A retarded take that Kaep was literally too lazy to stand for the anthem
  20. BNC

    2017 NFL Gameday Thread

    I mean.. kinda yea. Anyways their would be more money in it if the market demanded such