LMAO. "Yea they make $200 Million a year , but look at this even bigger amount of money. Now that $200 Million doesn't seem like that much does it?"
What the fuck is you point? You're looking foolish here
I just graduated in April, it was not that difficult. However if I had a 40 hour a week commitment it may have been quite a bit harder.
And how is this even relevant to whether or not student athletes should get paid? Nothing you've said here, other than their scholarships, has been relevant
I understand that, but I don’t think Bill cares, it was obviously not his idea to trade him. That too, I know Bill isn’t gonna help the browns but I’m sure they would have offered more
Lol, the “student athletes” don’t have time for jobs. You’re so naive to how much time they put in. You should do some research on the history of the term student athlete
I guess we should just completely ignore how much money is brought in from sports because it’s not the majority? How in the world does that make any sense to you??
It’s no idea why teams were so high on JimmyG, he had played like two games in a system that I think is about as favourable to QBs as any, and it’s not like Tom Brady’s backups have been that good, I would also assume if the Pats were willing to deal him they wouldn’t have been that high on him...