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  1. nba_balla

    Official Find A Picture Thread

    Balkman looks crazzy, pure gangsta
  2. nba_balla

    Official Find A Picture Thread

    Hassan Adams:
  3. nba_balla

    Official Find A Picture Thread

    Thanks bro
  4. nba_balla

    Official Find A Picture Thread

    Picture of who: Andrea Bargnani, PJ Tucker Any specific things in graphic: From the summer leagues. and they need to be big. THanks!!
  5. nba_balla

    Making An Animated Sig.

    alright i will check that out.
  6. nba_balla

    Making An Animated Sig.

    Jarod told me how to make one (my Raptors big Three) but now i forget lol... anyways can somebody tell me how?? Thanks!!!
  7. nba_balla

    Official Find A Picture Thread

    Picture of who: Theirry Henry Any specific things in graphic: in France Jersey
  8. nba_balla

    Official Find A Picture Thread

    ok no problemo brotha
  9. nba_balla

    Official Find A Picture Thread

    Picture of who: Chris Bosh Any specific things in graphic: From 05-06 Season, and big. good quality
  10. nba_balla

    Official Find A Picture Thread

    Picture of who: Dominique Wilkins Any specific things in graphic: Good quality and big.
  11. nba_balla

    Official Find A Picture Thread

    thanks, i really like the third one
  12. nba_balla

    Official Find A Picture Thread

    nevermind, just remembered there is a PSD for him on SI.
  13. nba_balla


    what do u mean?
  14. nba_balla


    open the photo. duplicate it and delete the original one. then use the wand tool, select what u want gone and hit delete on ur keyboard
  15. nba_balla

    Kobe Bryant

    correction, its on his right ear.... :noob:
  16. nba_balla

    LeBron James

    it looks like a vector to me lol good cut
  17. nba_balla

    Font problem

    thanks man!! it works :P
  18. nba_balla

    Font problem

    but when i type on my sig with any fonts, they are all choppy
  19. nba_balla

    Font problem

    well i have a problem with text, theres no need to post a new topic so: in this sig that i made : why is the text so choppy?!
  20. nba_balla

    Greg Maddux

    usually the cuts look better on da sigs then just alone