Just copy the imagebam gallery URL into the relevant bar...
I haven't used it in so long because the trial ran out and i cant find a working crack, but basically after that you clicked a load button which bought all the images up and then you just download them all at once...
I can see a few differences. I think it's the same font that makes it looks so similair because it's so prominent. He wouldn't be the first to use the same font as someone else. But yeah, post the PSD Begnals. If you didn't rip it there's nothing to worry about.
Went for a cleaner style and bigger sig.
I like it, but maybe it's a bit simple? Every time I tried to add mroe stocks to it it just looked <Censored>ty...
Sorry not feeling this at all.
Render is too hard to spot out, text is weak and a lot of negative space.
Just me though, Keep at it.
I hear you used to pretty good, so I'm sure you'll pick it up again soon.