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  1. Phil The Thrill

    MLB Player Rankings 2017: SP #2

    yeah give me Mad Max here
  2. Phil The Thrill

    2017 MLB Postseason Thread
  3. Phil The Thrill

    2017 MLB Postseason Thread

    Honestly, though I wanted the Cubbies to take the series mainly cause I still cheer on Lester. But on the other hand, kinda glad they're gone. Can't think of a group of players who gets more hype than Schwarber, Baez, and Russell. 
  4. Phil The Thrill

    2017 MLB Postseason Thread   I mean not a huge deal. Either way, I can't think of someone more painful to watch in left.
  5. Phil The Thrill

    2017 MLB Postseason Thread

      If the Yankees move on and you guys don't win, the Dodgers will become my second least favourite team
  6. Phil The Thrill

    2017 MLB Postseason Thread

    Shoutout to Schwarber for calling out the fans.   Dude needs to catch a flyball in left before saying shit
  7. Phil The Thrill

    Red Sox Fire Manager John Farrell

    I was 9. Can't say I really remember
  8. Phil The Thrill

    Red Sox Fire Manager John Farrell

    He means the 2004 dodgers. All three were on the team.
  9. Phil The Thrill

    2017 MLB Postseason Thread

    It's a good thing the Dodgers had a lot to be worried about. 
  10. Phil The Thrill

    Red Sox Fire Manager John Farrell

    Sounds like Cora is about to be hired as the next manager. Big fan of the signing
  11. Phil The Thrill

    2017 MLB Postseason Thread

    Lol fair enough
  12. Phil The Thrill

    2017 MLB Postseason Thread

    One team in history has come back down 3-0.   Dodgers are safe.
  13. Phil The Thrill

    2017 MLB Postseason Thread

    Red Sox twitter account blows
  14. Phil The Thrill

    2017 MLB Postseason Thread

    Sanchez was 100% the reason the yankees lost. Altuve was out by a mile.
  15. Phil The Thrill

    2017 MLB Postseason Thread

    Fuck Werth just missed that
  16. Phil The Thrill

    2017 MLB Postseason Thread

      How so? Because the Cubs got the call?
  17. Phil The Thrill

    2017 MLB Postseason Thread

    Does Carl Edwards have dirt on Joe?   No idea why Joe keeps going to him.
  18. Phil The Thrill

    2017 MLB Postseason Thread

      There was no excuse for 2011 really. Point fingers at who ever you want, but that's definitely a mark on Franconca's career.
  19. Phil The Thrill

    2017 MLB Postseason Thread

    Wouldn't mind the Red Sox taking a stab at Santana instead of Hosmer.   Limit Hanley's ABs too so his option doesn't vest lol