Yeah, its like idk, cant really explain it, plus i'd be hard for me to learn a new position and expect to play, I think i would end up just wasting my you going to college?
Dam that sucks, and yeah I had a badass year, 1st Team all- district, and 5a-4a golden spread team...but I havent/probably wont get any offers, cause i weigh like 180...i dont think i wanna try to play college ball though, it wouldnt be the same without my bros, ya know?
For your first wall? dam this murders mine, the lighting is not that bad,I like it actually, bg might have too much splatters, and text could be better, good job man.
lol idk man lost interest in forums after coverD went down, and been busy with football, but not anymore now, about to graduate. shit how you end up doing in fball?