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  1. josueelcatracho


    Don't like the bottom text.. Crop a little of the left side and drop the mini dup and nice job..
  2. josueelcatracho


    Group Hugg IMO.. Deve just went Gucci up in here..
  3. josueelcatracho


    Crop it some..
  4. josueelcatracho


    Fudging hate Text!
  5. josueelcatracho


    Do you still have that Nas sig from ages ago?
  6. josueelcatracho


    remove the bubbles from face amigo! Should have added a dark G map imo.. Solid job non the less.
  7. josueelcatracho


    V2 dope job dude, dodge his face up some more tho.. You could also try blurring some of the bg a little..
  8. josueelcatracho


    Naw I'm feeling this one.. Blending and lighting are dope as hell man, ur shaking the rust at a rapid pace.
  9. josueelcatracho

    The Optimist

    Mix it up baby girl, and yeah Text is a no go for me.. I applaud for not using rockwell bold tho :P Either keep em coming..
  10. josueelcatracho


    He'll be back hopefully, i mean he's been taking a beating for the 8+ months now..At least don't use the same filters over and over and over again, experiment. Keep the basics there but try new things out. All your stuff looks the same now. I know you don't care what i think or anyone else for...
  11. josueelcatracho


    NOT my FORTE.. wtf is this?
  12. josueelcatracho

    PSD PACK #2

    Only to him.. It's a love hate thing.
  13. josueelcatracho

    PSD PACK #2

    So i can haz the rIPAz please? <Censored> u win give me your old pack now!! and those stocks or I'm boycotting your jabrony ass.. I'll tear your candy ass a new one and drive you down smackdown ave!!! lol.
  14. josueelcatracho


    This is so 2009 and we so 2049.. Doritos old work..
  15. josueelcatracho

    Terrence Williams trade to HOU

    Clearing Cap space to. Sasha is <Censored>ing garbage..
  16. josueelcatracho


    Get this gay Colt's talk out! Danny Will make a pack soon son.
  17. josueelcatracho


    I wove u!
  18. josueelcatracho


  19. josueelcatracho


    Come on Sam, u don't like when people smash on you! give the dude some good feedback.. This looks simple too simple, but with some few Gmaps and efx's should look better.. Looking forward to seeing your work.
  20. josueelcatracho


    Pretty cool dude. Nice clean and simple.