I agree that it's really not a big deal if no one even knows about that verse. What do you want, to rewrite out entire anthem? That verse represents an unfortunate part of our history but it's still part of our history, there's no rewriting all of that. Do you want the White House to be rebuilt...
We've been obsessed with all of that ever since we won the Revolutionary War. Being patriotic is just part of the culture.
What's also part of the culture is being ignorant. Like I said before, I disagree with protests on 9/11 but at the same time I won't call anybody names and make...
And that's all we'll have 6 years from now, and 6 years after that, and 6 years after that.....
But thanks for giving me permission to brag about it if I ever want to :blake:
As if Les Miles wasn't bad enough, I have to watch Sean Payton blow his last fucking time out just to talk to the ref about the result of a play that was going to be in our favor anyway. He blew timeouts alllllll fucking game. Fuck this shit, I am done watching both these sucky ass teams all year.
I support the protests but I do agree that just for today it wouldn't be appropriate. But there will be torches and pitchforks for anyone who tries it.