I'm glad we have a gay porn expert to clear that up. So instead of that, he can become a famous Youtuber who watches Thunder games and makes zany commentary that all the young NBA fans of the world can enjoy. He would be very marketable with all his hashtag phrases and hot takes.
Absolutely not. Anyone can get rich and famous if they do something goofy enough. It's easy to get money. It just depends on what you're willing to sacrifice. And I'd rather not be everyone's latest internet meme. At least for Floyd and Conor they're known for much more than that.
Phaggots mad because Floyd called Conor a phaggot. Only phaggots get offended at that. It's not a homo slur. It would be worse if Conor was actually gay but I would wager he's likely not.
edit: Nvm, nobody is mad. It's just another writer on Yahoo being stupid. As usual.
They're clowns. Anything wrong with that? I know I wouldn't be saying all that goofy shit but it's part of their brand and their style to hype it up and they're doing a great job.
I'm late but happy birthday my man, I hope this morning isn't too bad for ya
I always said if I ever have kids it's never going past 2. Idk how some people have all these gangs of kids
The only Mavis I knew was this typing practice program in middle school called Mavis Bacon or Mavis Beacon or whatever. I guess a team of very fast typists would be good with their reaction times.