That's what I'm saying. The Warriors are not unbeatable, the NBA does not suck because of Kevin Durant. The problem with the NBA is that most of the teams suck. There are only a few really good teams. It's not the Warriors' fault they built a great team and then a great FA signed with them. Tbh...
This has always been one of my biggest criticisms of him. He is unstoppable most of the time, he defeats himself when he doesn't just go for it. KD was a killer tonight and that was the difference.
Yeah, most of the outfit is understandable, but Idk why anyone would ever need $90 socks no matter how rich they are. If he would've worn pants instead of shorts, the socks wouldn't even really matter. I wonder why they didn't show the price of his jewelry? That's the most expensive part of an...
Assists are overrated. Who cares how they win, as long as they win? MJ had a good amount of assists too, so what if LeBron has more. It's not like MJ "Ballhogging" was ever really a problem. He got the job done.