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  1. footballplaya52

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    The perfect time for a.... Lel
  2. footballplaya52

    The Dragon is Most Improved

    Zoran up next though haha
  3. footballplaya52

    Phil Jackson Has Already Clashed With James Dolan

    Still though, Dolan doesn't have a fucking clue. Just do something else and let Phil do what he wants.
  4. footballplaya52

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    jo-keem idfk   I usually just say noah lol
  5. footballplaya52

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    Pierce missing that was huuge
  6. footballplaya52

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    These refs are fucking bush league
  7. footballplaya52

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    Derozan time
  8. footballplaya52

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    Lowry trying to take over. I like it
  9. footballplaya52

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    About time raps got a charge call
  10. footballplaya52

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    This is fucking bullshit
  11. footballplaya52

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    Amir is the man in Toronto.
  12. footballplaya52

    2014 Stanley Cup Playoffs Thread

    Matt cooke should be thrown out of the league.
  13. footballplaya52

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    Its ridiculous. The refs have taken him out of the game.
  14. footballplaya52

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    Another refs fuck up
  15. footballplaya52

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    Lowry has been consistently hacked in the paint and he's gotten no calls.
  16. footballplaya52

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    Best crowd in the playoffs. Switched to the pacers game and it seems boring as fuck lol.
  17. footballplaya52

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    Lowry finally gets a call
  18. footballplaya52

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    I hate the tsn color guy. TAKES THE JIMMY.
  19. footballplaya52

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    Is JV for real? Lol
  20. footballplaya52

    2014 NBA Playoffs Thread

    Need to feed JV