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  1. F


    It's swim well you fucking jackass       Good shit, very superb stuff. I would buy as a poster if I actually listened to Frank Ocean
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    A look at new Hornets jerseys

      There can't be designers that are based in New Jersey?
  3. F

    A look at new Hornets jerseys

    Are they actually from New Jersey or did he mean to say "new jersey"
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    A look at new Hornets jerseys

      It's so the commentators can see who is who easily
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    A look at new Hornets jerseys

      Probably it's blocked here, which is weird.... an image of a hornets jerseys shouldn't be blocked. Werd
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    A look at new Hornets jerseys

    The blue one is sick, if what I am seeing on the USA TODAY page is right. For some reason, the ones in this thread are showing up as broken.
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    Carmelo Anthony says meeting with Knicks went great

    That means he's getting paid
  8. F

    Bye Bye Redskins?

    That's the USA , Rip
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    Bye Bye Redskins?

    These people are reaching now. Insanity
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    Bye Bye Redskins?

    Aren't they mostly dead?
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    Bye Bye Redskins?

  12. F

    Bye Bye Redskins?

    Seriously if it's offensive, they better change the giants, chiefs, browns, Blackhawks. How many more? Change them all.
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    Bye Bye Redskins?

    Seriously, what about the fighting Irish? GODAMNIT , change them all
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    Bye Bye Redskins?

    Oh please, how long after? Redskins have had their name for how long? And yeah, let's change the name after all the executions of Native Americans there has been. Let's remember how they were executed too
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    Bye Bye Redskins?

    Except after all of these years, they are finally finding it offensive?
  16. F

    2014 FIFA World Cup Thread

    Lol wow Spain... bitchmade
  17. F

    Bye Bye Redskins?

    I can't believe they might actually go through with this. THat means redskins is not trademarked now, NFL might not fly with a un-trademarked team in the league. Redskins going to change their name?   Fuccboys
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    Bye Bye Redskins?

    POLITICO ‏@politico 1m  More #Breaking: U.S. Patent office rules Redskins name is disparaging, and thus cannot be trademarked under federal law.     Donezo
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    2014 FIFA World Cup Thread

    If only Mexico scored