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  1. snipezo

    Raptors bank

    3 for den trade Total 16
  2. snipezo

    Raptors bank

    sim 7 freebie $1 total 13
  3. snipezo

    Commish's Power Rankings Vol. 7

    much better
  4. snipezo

    Sim 07-08 (Days 71-80) Results

    3rd worst in the league. I can dig it.
  5. snipezo

    Commish's Power Rankings Vol. 7

    gotta be worse than that. 
  6. snipezo

    Raptors bank

    Ben Simmons rookie game Total 12
  7. snipezo

    Sim 07-07 (Days 61-70) Results

    Went 4-2. Fell all the way down to 4th in the tank wars. Not good. 
  8. snipezo

    Raptors-Celtics Good dealin
  9. snipezo

    Raptors bank

    Bos trade +3 Total 11
  10. snipezo

    Raptors bank

    sim 4 freebie 3   total: 8
  11. snipezo

    Sim 07-05 (Days 41-50) Results

    1-4. Lets get spida!
  12. snipezo

    Joel Bolomboy

  13. snipezo

    Raptors Cut

    Kwame Brown
  14. snipezo

    Commish's Power Rankings Vol. 7

    my team can't be THAT good
  15. snipezo

    Sim 07-04 (Days 31-40) Results

    Good sim. Jokic super six was kind of meh so I'm probably gonna just do that with Simmons. 
  16. snipezo


    to tor  rubio   to hou danny green nate rob    good dealin 
  17. snipezo

    Clips // Raps

    Sure Cut canaan, birdman and mbah a moute
  18. snipezo

  19. snipezo

    Raptors bank

    +3 for por trade Total: 5