V1 is better. When I said I thought it was too contrasted I meant the render, not the whole sig. V2 just looks washed out. And Im not a fan of the 3 different fonts used for the text
Not bad. Im not a fan of the text however, and I think the render could be blended a bit better. Also, I personally think the render might be too contrasted a bit (the dark areas seem a bit too dark).
A couple of things stick out to me here. First, I personally think the sig as a whole (especially the render) is a little dark. Not a fan of the perspective text or the font choice, and the background image seems a bit LQ. I'd say work on lighting, text placement, and the placement of the...
agreed. Not a big fan of the blurriness on the top of the head or the left side of the render, and the black dot on the top left is a bit odd imo. Aside from that, I like this.
I actually really liked the text version, but like nola said, I think something is a bit off about it. I dont know if I'd just nix the dots, change the size of the dots, or choose a slightly different font.
I don't see how the GFX Crew has anything to do with this, as everyone that tried out was given an equal and fair chance. If you're deciding to call it a clique or what not just because we decided not to accept your tryout, that's on you (although I will say its quite immature). Being 8 months...
Madden 13 just leaked the Bears orange pants on their away jerseys (could be a new alt, iono)
Heres what the Madden Art Director said about the unis:
So Im just waiting to see the alts
Texans collar looks big as hell
And I like pretty much every pro combat nike uni that comes out, but the Seahawks design is kinda meh to me tbh. It'll probably grow on me, but as of right now, I dont hate it, but I dont like it much either
And lol at the no fun falcons for not changing shit
lmao, I was about to say, that was a horrible ass job at hiding/darkening the design
That seahawks helmet stripe looks pretty dope tho
and since im on spring break, Im gonna be at disney during all the nike unveilings, so i'll have to wait till like 11 pm tmrw before I see anything
Lol, thats kinda how I picked the Falcons
Even though I lived in Georgia at that point, I thought their logo looked cool and their jerseys looked cool, and during that time Vick was a beast on Madden 04, so I just picked the Falcons as my favorite team