10+ Game Winning Streak: $1 (Days 67-82)
Team Won Division: $1
Team Won Conference (Regular Season): $1
Team Won 50+ Games: $1
Team Made Playoffs: $1
Blake Griffin Player of the Week (22): $1...
Another 6-3 sim with a couple if close loses. Next sim should be interesting for the top of the West, have got Mavericks and Rockets twice, and a pretty tough sim overall, will need a good sim if we are to get that #1 seed.
6-3, lost a couple we shouldn't be losing. Evan missed the whole sim so the young guys got some time off the bench, OG looked decent shame I couldn't gleague him this year.
John Wall Player Played in All-Star Game: $1
Blake Griffin Player Played in All-Star Game: $1
Old Total: $6
New Total: $8