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  1. F

    New Pistons Logo

    Couldn't afford a better one
  2. F

    Just bought

      Is it all through a program or through the internet? 
  3. F

    Just bought

      Are there openings? I could be interested. We'll see. I wouldn't be too upset if there weren't. 
  4. F

    Just bought

      Is anyone going to answer RipCity? 
  5. F

    Big Papi

    I remember the username Big Papi from somewhere. Welcome, how you doin?
  6. F

    Just bought

    I'm well aware of this thread and just peeping in, here and there. 
  7. F

    Dan Dan the Birthday Man

    Happy Birthday, Stan!
  8. F

    Hey all!

  9. F

    Everywhere I Go

    That's a bunch of nonsense!
  10. F

    Just bought

      Also the ignore button
  11. F

    Just bought

    I remember talk of Trinatas, but don't remember seeing him so maybe I got on CSS when he wasn't around. Gotcha. 
  12. F

    Just bought

      Fuck yeah, I hated CSS. I think they were still trying to bring that up too. Wait, who is AE? Do I know AE from CSS?
  13. F

    Texans release Foster

    Because of his injuries, right?
  14. F


      Yes, and I definitely like this article:
  15. F

    NBA rumors and hearsay

      You're telling me people would actually be interested in this? 
  16. F

    Super Bowl 50 Thread

      Well, heh, no damn shit!
  17. F

    Super Bowl 50 Thread

    Anyone else think that game was somewhat boring? Broncos defense came out on top, they were all over Cam Newton. Peyton barely did anything. 
  18. F

    Warren Moon can’t understand what Cam Newton’s critics see

      Not anyone here, just facebook people
  19. F

    Warren Moon can’t understand what Cam Newton’s critics see

    Exactly what has been said, no fun league has spread to fans, people hate him because he's black and celebrating. It's fucking pure shit, and I really do feel awful reading and hearing people say dumb shit like that. 
  20. F

    Super Bowl 50 Thread

    I don't care who wins, I like both teams. I'd like to see Peyton retire with another SB but then I'd love to see Carolina win it. I am not sure how much I like Cam, but one thing I admire is the fire that he brings to the team. 