One of my other admins was having the same issue on his data with Verizon. He was the only one that ever said anything. He was fine before I moved my sites over to the server we are on now a few years ago. So not sure if its Verizon blocking the IP or my server causing the issues.
Could have change recently and add this site to the block list. I think companies look for stuff like this and if they see alot of usage going to a site that doesn't help out the company, the block it. Just guessing though.
Welcome to the forum! How did you find SI? Did someone tell you about the sim leagues here? Like bosox, post alot outside of the Sim leagues when you can.
Ha ha!
I get why he wants to play more, but don't understand why he would go to a different country for it. Unless he is getting paid a crap load more then he would be here.