Search results

  1. Shaggy

    No Site Connection Off WiFi

    It can't be the ads.  We are looking into this as this is a very odd situation.  It could also be on Verizon's side but won't know for sure. 
  2. Shaggy

    Dammm It's been like 3 years..

    Nice.  Looks great for 10 mins of work.  I can't even do it at all, so....
  3. Shaggy


    Weird.  Let me know if it does it again.
  4. Shaggy

    SQL Errors

    The server can handle alot.  If you still are getting SQL errors, let me know.
  5. Shaggy

    How Can We Improve SI?

    One of my other admins was having the same issue on his data with Verizon.  He was the only one that ever said anything.  He was fine before I moved my sites over to the server we are on now a few years ago.  So not sure if its Verizon blocking the IP or my server causing the issues.
  6. Shaggy

    How Can We Improve SI?

      So you can't view the site at all when using your data?  Are you with Verizon?
  7. Shaggy

    SQL Errors

    First I have heard about any MySQL errors in a long time.  Just today or for awhile now?
  8. Shaggy

    2017 NFL Draft Thread

    We talking FF right?   I'm liking David Johnson.
  9. Shaggy

    No Site Connection Off WiFi

      Could have change recently and add this site to the block list.  I think companies look for stuff like this and if they see alot of usage going to a site that doesn't help out the company, the block it.  Just guessing though.
  10. Shaggy

    What up

      Ha ha, thought they were talking about a site.  My bad... :p
  11. Shaggy

    What up

  12. Shaggy

    No Site Connection Off WiFi

      Is it still working out for you?
  13. Shaggy

    How Can We Improve SI?

      We'll get it figured out.
  14. Shaggy

    How Can We Improve SI?

      Perfect, as I would like the main page look to follow with the forum look to.  Are you good with skinning Word Press?
  15. Shaggy

    What up

      Welcome to the forum!  How did you find SI?  Did someone tell you about the sim leagues here?  Like bosox, post alot outside of the Sim leagues when you can.     Ha ha! 
  16. Shaggy

    How Can We Improve SI?

      Hell yeah it is.  I've just been busy with kids(summer break), my house move and alot more to really dive into with everyone. 
  17. Shaggy

    Amar'e coming out of retirement, already

    I get why he wants to play more, but don't understand why he would go to a different country for it.  Unless he is getting paid a crap load more then he would be here.
  18. Shaggy

    Predict How the Divisions Unfold, Playoff Seeds

        I totally agree with this one.  No way the Cards are below Vikings or the Cowboys in the NFC Playoff Seed.
  19. Shaggy

    Record Projections

      You got Q now, so that should help. :)
  20. Shaggy

    Where are you today?

      Wow.  Is that a glass type roof?