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  1. Username

    S1 "Preseason" (Days 1-10)

  2. Username

    S1 "Preseason" (Days 1-10)

    I mean moreso for the team overall
  3. Username

    S1 "Preseason" (Days 1-10)

    Wade better off ball?
  4. Username

    S1 "Preseason" (Days 1-10)

    1-3 damn lmao
  5. Username

    S1 "Preseason" (Days 1-10)

    0-2 rip
  6. Username

    S1 "Preseason" (Days 1-10)

    A defense C+ defense
  7. Username

    S1 "Preseason" (Days 1-10)

    Wade at pg should run the west
  8. Username

    GM Round Table

    Damn Im one of the bums
  9. Username

    Al Harrington

    Id like to sign him. I feel like itd be easier having one leftover FA thread tho
  10. Username

    League File Discussion/Gripes

    Dwyane Wade averaged 3.2 TOPG for his career and 3.1 in the 10-11 season so I feel like his handling attributes should be slightly higher to reflect that.
  11. Username

    CPU'ed Picks

    Release Travis outlaw
  12. Username

    League Shop Suggestions

    i can get behind attribute caps
  13. Username

    League Shop Suggestions

    How about no camps or attribute boosts, or if there is some, how about not so many available.
  14. Username

    Finishing the Draft

    Can we at least make a dc for pre since its going to be such a long wait? Post DCs tonight and sim in the morning if you can?
  15. Username

    Finishing the Draft

    3 days