And congratulations to that couple for making 250k a year. You do realize how rare that is for it to happen, right?
Stats don't lie. Just because someone makes 250k a year doesn't mean you will. Congratulations...
If you consider gfx the only part of education, then yeah, you are much smarter then me. My bad sir. Could you please inform me where English, Science, math classes and co. went to?
Ok, congrats on the grade. On the losing the argument part, not what I was trying say, but I'm not going to explain it considering it would be a waste of time.
Also congrats on being on what you want to be. I have no idea what you want to be, and most graphics design jobs are generally low pay...
You can tell when somebody is losing in argument when they say "fuck you" or "go get a fuckin life".
Don't make claims unless you have the evidence to support it. Haven't your English teachers taught you that?
Also, I find it hard to believe that your professors "thought that your art looks...
I'm all over his dick all of the time? Are you fucking retarded? I always tell gety when I don't like his shit. Quite frankly, that's often.
Also, that's not ironic. That's a coincidence. Get you shit straight dumbass.
Also, it's funny that you're the one talking about the recognition that...
There's absolutely no correlation there at all.
And who fucking cares if the shit is good or not. It all matters if the artist likes it. I'm pretty sure gety only posts it to share his artwork with others. If they don't like it, who cares. If they do, congrats.
Let's be realistic here, who is...