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  1. traves

    2016 NBA Finals Thread

      go cavs go!
  2. traves

    CC06's Early Mock Draft (Lottery)

    I prefer the sound of Rose-Wade-Marion than Wade-Beasley-Marion......I think the Heat should take Rose, get a good good FA such as Brand if he opts out and they will be a top team once again in the east And I think Mayo could be the steal of the draft, I know he wasn't great in college but I...
  3. traves

    Vick playing football at prison

    I wonder if this whole dog fighting thing was something he liked doing or if he kinda started with it but got caught in too far either way it was wrong. But I think Vick may have learned from this? Either way he is still young and when he comes back a team will always be willing to sign a guy of...
  4. traves

    Vince Carter

    Said he uses the thing you said AND the Pen tool, makes nice cuts, where I gotta fix besides the BG on the hand?
  5. traves

    Vince Carter

    Well this one kid I talk to does really good cuts, I just use the pen tool but he was tellin me about the other stuff I do. I will try and fix it up tonight.
  6. traves

    Vince Carter

    Just started ^_^ Thought this was gonna be ok, if it aint good enough lock it or what ever lol, cuz I don't got the PSD so I can't fix it ^_^ This was like my 3rd cut but I've done like 5 or so now, I usually just get ppl to cut me pics ^_^ lol
  7. traves

    Vince Carter
