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  1. D


    too much text. not bad though
  2. D


    lacks pop. needs more subtle effects and better lighting.
  3. D

    Hero Of War

    hai rawkstar. i like dis doe
  4. D


    i would have kept this textless. not bad tho
  5. D

    Jaguars Not Moving to LA.

    hi cham
  6. D

    Big Sean

    way too dark yo da fuck u thinkin
  7. D

    Grieves x Budo

    saw them last night. dope lookin wall
  8. D

    Dessa LP

    dope. i'd definitely marry her.
  9. D

    hai babeee!

    hai babeee!
  10. D


    i would clean up over the render. this aint bad doe
  11. D

    Lil Bizzle swaaaaaaaaaag
  12. D


  13. D


    yo this is mad fresh
  14. D


    i dont like the black looking anal plug on the matt ryan sig. second one looks noice.
  15. D

    Vick Collab with ephmrl

    text is whack imo. i like what you did with the blending. i would erase some of the color off the render to make it pop more.
  16. D

    Carrito go boom boom

    i dont like the reflection feggit
  17. D


    too many colors. make the text a color that complements the scheme of the sig.
  18. D

    Mark Ingram

    text is hella whack
  19. D

    Kams Fantasy Football League.

    i bet this league is boring.
  20. D

    Datsun Illustration

    done in illustrator. made for RDZ Motorsports.