Search results

  1. kdogg

    Blazers Bank

    +$1 - Dragic 15+ Assists   Total: $25
  2. kdogg

    Blazers Bank

    +$1 - Aldridge Made All-Star Team +$1 - Sim 7 Post +$1 - ASW Post   Total: $24
  3. kdogg

    Sim 08-07 (Days 61-70) Results

    3-2, lost the only games that mattered
  4. kdogg

    GM Rankings Survey 1.0 Results

    Pretty much where I expected to be ranked. I can probably guess who gave me that one lol
  5. kdogg

    Blazers Bank

    +$1 - Teague 15+ Assists   Total: $21
  6. kdogg

    Sim 08-06 (Days 51-59) Results

    Another 9 game sim, another 4-5 record lol. We went undefeated in our home games against some good competition but also went 1-5 on the road smh
  7. kdogg

    Blazers Bank

    $2 - Teague 15+ Assists & Whiteside 8+ Blocks   +$1 - Whiteside 8+ Blocks   Total: $20
  8. kdogg

    Sim 08-05 (Days 41-50) Results

  9. kdogg

    Sim 08-05 (Days 41-50) Results

    3-2, lineup changes kinda worked but I need to use it more to know for sure. Dragic had a 17 rebound game somehow lmao
  10. kdogg

    Sim 08-04 (Days 31-40) Results

    2-2, we finally got a little break in our schedule but Dragic missed pretty much the entire sim
  11. kdogg

  12. kdogg

    Blazers Bank

    +$3 from SAS Total: $17
  13. kdogg


  14. kdogg

    Sim 08-03 (Days 21-30) Results

    4-5 once again lol. Had 2 OT losses and another loss by four points so we might be the worst team in the league in close games
  15. kdogg

    1st Annual League Pass Rankings

    Good stuff fellas. I cant argue with my ranking since were basically the irl Heat right now (Dragic, Whiteside, Ryno lol)
  16. kdogg

    Blazers Bank

    +$1 - Asik 20+ Rebounds   +$1 - Dragic 15+ Assists   +$1 - Dragic 15+ Assists   Total: $14
  17. kdogg


  18. kdogg

    Brandon Bass

    Blazers release
  19. kdogg

    Sim 08-02 (Days 11-20) Results

    Another 4-5 sim but 3 losses were by 3 points or less so I wont overreact. Dragic came close to a triple double in about every game he played this sim
  20. kdogg

    Commish's Power Rankings Vol. 8

    I see Im not the only team that struggled this sim lol