I noticed Pat Riley had his 2nd round extension done but Kareem Canty still needs his to be input, and also looks like Borisa from the Pacers and Spike Albrecht and Jimmy Jones from Memphis need theirs as well
I will as soon as the 24 hours is over. I just want to make sure i don't end up posting the trade before the claiming period is up in case someone else was to claim
I'm not gonna change my mind on Jalen just fair warning, and looking financially think I would actually have to give you Tolbert and Japhet and Purvis if you wanted to go down that route
Very possible, but I want Jalen here regardless he's exactly my type of player. I would stand pretty firm at like Purvis and Japhet type of offer, at least in general
I really like their fits with my team right now, I would be more likely to consider someone like Purvis for Snaer tho. I'd probably go Purvis and Japhet or Tolbert