You desperately need a rebounder and just cuz he doesn't block shots doesn't mean he is non-defensive necessarily, his strength and size is gonna cover some of that. I thought you would be into that
Were you able to get an old file off of Ty? I have the file from day 60 that I can send you if need be. I'll be leaving around 4:30 EST so let me know before then if you need it, otherwise it will have to wait until later tonight.
I like the team I've built, I just want to actually represent the Cavs haha. Team records and win% don't matter to me and we could keep that, I just want to actually have my hometown. Idk I guess I could give you GM cash or something, I'm not really sure what I could give to switch names.
Ok, look, I'll take out Rebec and the cash and give you a 1st. But I want something else in return because Mirotic isn't worth a 1st. It doesn't have to be something huge but at least give me like 3M in return because I'd feel comfortable about that