I was looking back at the aim chat today and you actually tried to say Behanan got "hyped up" and you said "where's he at"
612 Chane Behanan C 22 6'8'' 270 B- C- C- B+ B B
That dude had like 97 pot 2 seasons ago, idk how you think he doesn't look nice, or why you always throw shade on any player associated with me. You bring Heron up like no other but refuse to listen every single time I've explained I called him the best prospect in the league because you went out of your way to try and destroy his value so i had to salvage it best i could. Why you gotta do me like that bruh
screw it I'll make it 35M with the other 10 to be paid by, at the absolute latest, the time in between sim 6 and playoffs - get on AIM if interested and we can hash it out fast, the + is very negotiable
What about if I made it 25M cash + whatever else to be before this sim? since I'm missing Andre and missing others for a few days, would place a premium on urgency
okay, not interested even if you don't get other offers? cuz I can up the cash or include different players (idk who you like) if there's any way we can get it done, at minimum you can use that (especially if its a ton of cash) in combination with other assets to trade for young talent if you don't get it offered for Jones... or a 2031 right to swap picks, etc, really interested if there's any way