Nice job, it could use a few adjustments to bring out the colors a bit more. Also, try following the rule of thirds and keep your focal out of the dead center of the tag. So next time keep an eye on placement. Keep it up bro.
Change up the text. Not only the font (you use that one everytime), but the content as well.
I mean "SPIDERMAN SPIDERMAN SPIDERMANxTHEGREENGOBLINxMARYJANE" .. kinda unimaginative and meaningless too. I don't see the Green Goblin or Mary Jane anywhere on that sig.
as for the proper spelling of Spider-Man:
v2 is not that good compared to v1, v1 is the best here. but this seems to washed out, add some contrast to it. i think the text is good and the sig overall.