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Maple's 50K Post BASH
Behind the Member: MapleLeaf
Once upon a time there was a little kid named Adam. A little, confused little boy. It would later be known that this boy was a homosexual. But that’s another story. This was an odd homosexual, he liked sports. WTF, what likes sports? What’s he do like looking at men’s armpits and like seeing athletes in tights? He also liked video games, WTF? I know. And he wasn’t just a sports fan, he was a huge sports fan. He liked to make his newest version of NBA live up to-date.
So our story takes place on a somewhat odd mid-October day in 2005, young Adam pushed the on button for his PS2 and was ready to play his NBA Live 06 for the first time. He was excited to play with the new rookies, but then he got angered. A LOT OF THEM WEREN’T IN THE GAME??? WTF. Adam did not accept this, so instead of pansy slapping his system like any other homosexual, Adam went over to his computer and went on to google and searched “missing rookies in nba live 06”. What was the first result? Some site called IGN, so I click on it, and it’s a message board. Adam had never been on one before actually. If so only for a few, but never registered. He went to the main index of the NBA Live 06 forum of IGN, to see what other threads were there. By and by there was a thread called “NBA Live 06 CAPS”. WTF was a CAP? I felt like such a no0b later. So Adam goes in and BOOM, holy , 23 pages? After scrolling thru a couple pages, he finds this one link posted by some guy who had posted in that thread a few times before that I was reading over. Adam clicks on the link, and it opens to this site called “Dribblin N’ Passin”. WTF is this . As I scroll down I see a Create-A-Player Section. YOU HAVE TO BE registered. So I decided to register. Meh, I’m not here for anything. I’ll just choose something generic. “maverickfan”. That name will later go down in history . Alright, now I’m finally a member, time to get that CAP. First thing I saw that intrigued me was this thread called “Request a Create-A-Player”. And so I entered, and was gonna do the impossible, I WAS GONNA MAKE A POST. OMFG WHAT IF SOMEONE SEES THIS AND TRACKS IT AND COMES AND GETS ME AND I GET RAPED. But meh, that might be fun. So I post. WTF this angry named slpnsld said you have to have more posts. Da do I post about? Meh, I see a general discussion thread, decide to enter, and hey, some of these topics were interesting. So I started posting…..and posting…….AND POSTING. And over a span of a month I racked up 1,000 posts. I was addicted. Over the time I got to meet a few new people too. Some weird emotional administrator named slpnsld. Some Australian guy who I got to know a little weirdly with a few ODD late night conversations over MSN. Some weird piston fan named RipCity32. And Some Asian looking name I32K6. After that month, I thought this was weird, but wouldn’t it be kinda fun to have my own thing. Also at this time in Adam’s life, he was into things such as an old show called the Twilight Zone, and some band called Green Day. And Adam was like, I wanna make a more random off-topic forum named “The Twilight Zone”. And so after a week of building a site and getting used to the CP, I was like, heh, I’m a genius. Then I posted my link on Dribblin N Passin. And I gained quite a few members, but a little into a week after the opening of the site, that admin from Dribblin N’ Passin got pissed. Saying it was a rip-off. Well that. So that led to a fun little feud that lasted for a couple days. We finally settled in court you’d say. Then, a bombshell.
A new thread was posted on January 14, 2006 talking about this new affiliate that the head admin said he was basically telling our members to join. So I was like meh, let me think. But it didn’t take long, I was like WTF, let’s check it out. I registered the next day. Soon I was approved, and saw wow this is really active. This could be fun. And boy was it fun, this place called NBA Live Insomnia, would be my home for 3 years and counting.
The day I joined I noticed this was very different then Dribblin N Passin. A different kind of forum, and different features, and new members to know. And I wasn’t “The #2 guy” like I was on Dribblin N Passin. So I said, I better get to know these people. And so, I searched, there was this one guy, who made graphics, named Jarrod2323. Another person named Big Bid’Ness. Others called Kraig Harlow, bestkeptsecret13, and many more.
There was this funny little thing called the C-Box, at the top, it was a really kinky thing. You could chat while being on the board at the same time, I thought it was the coolest thing ever for a few days. In this C-Box, I got to know many of the members, and got myself into the SI books.
My first year was not the smoothest let’s just say that. For the longest time, I was known as a spammer, not the bright crayon in the box, and annoying. After all I was asking if I could be a mod or could implement ideas. But some of my ideas would turn out to be legendary. The SND? Created by yours truly, an idea I gave to slpnsld on Dribblin N’ Passin. The Article Section? I was the king of that. To this day, my best days on SI was creating articles. I loved it. And to this day, I hate the admins on SI for deleting all those articles I created. TELL ME YOUR NAME! NOW!!!
I was also the engineer and the writer of the Weekly Newsletter on this board for a while. After a while I thought this is unnecessary work but hey, all this work eventually paid off to a mod spot.
After about a year or so on SI, and getting to know the members well, I decided to tell the members a secret of mine. I’m gay. Many did not believe, and some thought it was attention, but no, I was gay. And honestly, you guys were the first people I told. Most accepted and moved on, but I wonder, how would this impact me on SI? Some to this day question if I am really gay, but you know what, I don’t need your approval or what you think about me, or what you think I am, I know who I am.
So let’s get down to the controversy. I was a controversial mofo. From penis pumpers to arguing and threatening CB4 and lakerfan. Also being known as SI’s king spammer. I was Mr. Controversy for about a year, but over the time, I calmed down, and I think the members got used to me.
My first love in sports was the Dallas Mavericks, still is. And I was obsessed with them then and I am still obsessed with them today. My dream to this day is to still be the Dallas Mavericks beat writer when I grow up. And this bias and love for my Mavs was met with some confrontations on SI. This was the first time I really ran into other passionate NBA fans. But thru SI I got to have really good discussions, but also realized the ups and downs of being an NBA fan. I learned my love for my team is about the same as other members love for there teams.
SI became a regular thing for me, and I quickly became one of the top posters. And I was a posting monster, I continued to post, and post, and post, and while I posted I got to know the members of SI as friends. Sure I had friends at school but I wasn’t exactly in the jock clique or known as much of a sports fan. I was known for being quiet but having a nice personality, and friendly.
SI has often times been a stress relief. None was greater evidence of this then just a few months ago, when my dad died of a heart attack. I was HEART BROKEN. I still to this day think and cry about him every day. We went to Mavericks games together, we were huge fans. And now I lost him. But I needed to move on, so I wanted to keep things regular, and instead of taking a long absence, I decided to return to my normal job on SI of posting and having fun.
Thru the times on SI I have seen a lot, and seen a lot happen in the sports world and in my life. Hell I moved from the city I was raised in to this new Midwestern city called Kansas City.
And so that’s my story, I could go on and on but I don’t want to spend my whole weekend talking about Rik Smits time, the switch to an IPB, or the legendary meloboy or GOAT, or the CB4/lakerfan article controversy, but you all know that stuff.
You guys really don’t care anymore do you. So I’ll do what you guys want now, it’s time for the shoutouts. Where do we begin....
Jarrod2323- I think I’ve said this before, but in case I didn’t, here it is. SI would have never survived without you. You brought maturity, an all around ability to perform in all aspects on SI, and you brought really in my mind leadership. You are what SI is. I just want to say thanks for EVERYTHING, god I can’t list everything, but thanks, and thanks for always being there. You’re an amazing person Jarrod Lundberg.
RipCity32- A FELLOW Dribblin N Pass boy! I got to know you on DNP, and some on SI, but we never really talked, but that changed over the past really 2 years, whenever you were connected to SI like I was. I admire your love for your Pistons, you’re a diehard like I am with my Mavs, and diehards are a dying breed in todays sporting world. You’re fun to talk to, and you like Bob Ross. But we need to change your values. Conservative Republican? EWWWW
Playmaker7- I’ve probably spent more time talking to him on AIM then any other member. We talked hockey, and everything else in the world. We had debates about issues and stuff, and we really connected. And I really miss him since his recent leave. I think it’s just because his Penguins suck, but IDK.
Bestkeptsecret13- He’s not technically my , but, well he is. He’s one of the originals too. I will never forget those late night AIM summer chats with you and Kraig. The creation of Will Peurdue and Rik Smits time. Our love for the member The Duck and Roberto Novoa. BTW, will you be alive whenever the Cubs win a world series?
Big Bid’Ness- The member I’ve always loved to with because I always thought he was so bland. But over time I realized he’s just a nice little fellow, but he’s not little. But seriously, no joking, you’re a great guy Cerron. All the joking back then and in the future, it’s all good. But can I still send you random ass PM’s? PLEASE?
Bibby.10- A newcomer to the scene. If I ever left SI, I would have predicted Greg to break my record in posts, but that is in question now after the Super bowl. And I was partly to blame. But hopefully you come back, because you were an amazing addition on SI. And I hope you can continue.
The Young One- My fellow KC boy. Over the past year we’ve really gotten along but I remember when things weren’t all that great. I remember whenever I hated on OJ and for a time there you thought I was Yanks being racist lol. And you were also in question to if I was gay too because of the Valentines day post. But don’t worry, I am gay, and you are one of my friends. Don’t worry, Royals and Chiefs will pwn soon. Been great knowing you, and hopefully we’ll be here together when Todd Haley holds up the NFL Championship trophy.
JoshHoward5- MY FELLOW MAVERICK FAN. MY LONE MAVERICK FAN. But terrible taste in his favorite college and the music he likes, I mean seriously, his music gives rock music it’s bad reputation as not being able to hear . But seriously, you’re fun to talk to, and if I ever got drunk and wanted to hang out with someone on SI it would be you, because you’re just cool like that.
Pugz- Give me Devin Harris. You’re a great guy, and a really good G-Mod, and a diehard Pistons fan. Give me Devin Harris BTW. You were another amazing addition to SI, you bring sports discussion and really a level head to all the discussion on SI. BTW give me Devin Harris. Our friendship is still growing, as long as Devin Harris is on my team.
ZigZag- Wow we’ve had a funky relationship. Wow I shouldn’t use that word for us LMAO. But seriously, don’t worry, I don’t like you, I just liked to with you for the longest time. I’m just that type of person, likes to with people. I still like to make fun of your entire pimp agenda . It’s cute though that you act all smart and act all BA whenever we know your just a little teddy bear. But, forget that, you’re a great guy, been amazing knowing you.
Mexi- Who the is this. I’ve never seen someone so addicted to following the NBA. And his graphics are pretty sick. That’s what I thought of Mexi. But to put on top of that, he’s an amazingly fair, and nice person. He speaks the truth, and is not biased for the most part. He’s a great fan, and a person person to know. Perfect person for the NBA mod spot.
Werebarret- To this day, my partner in crime. I definitely would have never got all the spam posts without you . But seriously, probably my favorite member of all-time. Amazingly knowledgeable when he needed to be. I don’t know anyone who knew the football talk better then him. But his craziness is what won him over. The SI Insane Thread is the greatest thread ever
Kraig- You miss my mom babe? My mom’s got a wetter then your slutty girl. COME HERE AND BRING IT, I WILL WHIP YOUR WIGGER ASS. But seriously man, you’re the creator, without you, there would be no 50,000 posts and no SI. So I respect you a lot man. Also you truly are a great NBA fan, and a great person. THE HATERS.
VC15- It’s hard for me to talk to any Nets fan after the Devin Harris trade lol. But anyways, you’re a great guy, a big time Jersey sports fan, and I respect diehards.
Captain Chronic- One of the people who gets overlooked a lot on SI, but I don’t over look you, you’re truly all around and a great member.
AFF3- Wow, I miss you. On AIM, and here, Great Sim League GM, and a great person. Always so nice and fair. But I hate you for what your team did in the 2006 NBA finals.
Instant Classic – I tooted. WOW, memories I know. But I have always admired your love for Duke, and JJ Redick. You’re definitely not the most popular member on SI, but you sure make it a lot more fun, and I have always been a fan of yours. Keep it up.
VC3/all other names- My other partner in crime, now banned, Loved ya, Goats
Behind the Member: MapleLeaf
Once upon a time there was a little kid named Adam. A little, confused little boy. It would later be known that this boy was a homosexual. But that’s another story. This was an odd homosexual, he liked sports. WTF, what likes sports? What’s he do like looking at men’s armpits and like seeing athletes in tights? He also liked video games, WTF? I know. And he wasn’t just a sports fan, he was a huge sports fan. He liked to make his newest version of NBA live up to-date.
So our story takes place on a somewhat odd mid-October day in 2005, young Adam pushed the on button for his PS2 and was ready to play his NBA Live 06 for the first time. He was excited to play with the new rookies, but then he got angered. A LOT OF THEM WEREN’T IN THE GAME??? WTF. Adam did not accept this, so instead of pansy slapping his system like any other homosexual, Adam went over to his computer and went on to google and searched “missing rookies in nba live 06”. What was the first result? Some site called IGN, so I click on it, and it’s a message board. Adam had never been on one before actually. If so only for a few, but never registered. He went to the main index of the NBA Live 06 forum of IGN, to see what other threads were there. By and by there was a thread called “NBA Live 06 CAPS”. WTF was a CAP? I felt like such a no0b later. So Adam goes in and BOOM, holy , 23 pages? After scrolling thru a couple pages, he finds this one link posted by some guy who had posted in that thread a few times before that I was reading over. Adam clicks on the link, and it opens to this site called “Dribblin N’ Passin”. WTF is this . As I scroll down I see a Create-A-Player Section. YOU HAVE TO BE registered. So I decided to register. Meh, I’m not here for anything. I’ll just choose something generic. “maverickfan”. That name will later go down in history . Alright, now I’m finally a member, time to get that CAP. First thing I saw that intrigued me was this thread called “Request a Create-A-Player”. And so I entered, and was gonna do the impossible, I WAS GONNA MAKE A POST. OMFG WHAT IF SOMEONE SEES THIS AND TRACKS IT AND COMES AND GETS ME AND I GET RAPED. But meh, that might be fun. So I post. WTF this angry named slpnsld said you have to have more posts. Da do I post about? Meh, I see a general discussion thread, decide to enter, and hey, some of these topics were interesting. So I started posting…..and posting…….AND POSTING. And over a span of a month I racked up 1,000 posts. I was addicted. Over the time I got to meet a few new people too. Some weird emotional administrator named slpnsld. Some Australian guy who I got to know a little weirdly with a few ODD late night conversations over MSN. Some weird piston fan named RipCity32. And Some Asian looking name I32K6. After that month, I thought this was weird, but wouldn’t it be kinda fun to have my own thing. Also at this time in Adam’s life, he was into things such as an old show called the Twilight Zone, and some band called Green Day. And Adam was like, I wanna make a more random off-topic forum named “The Twilight Zone”. And so after a week of building a site and getting used to the CP, I was like, heh, I’m a genius. Then I posted my link on Dribblin N Passin. And I gained quite a few members, but a little into a week after the opening of the site, that admin from Dribblin N’ Passin got pissed. Saying it was a rip-off. Well that. So that led to a fun little feud that lasted for a couple days. We finally settled in court you’d say. Then, a bombshell.
A new thread was posted on January 14, 2006 talking about this new affiliate that the head admin said he was basically telling our members to join. So I was like meh, let me think. But it didn’t take long, I was like WTF, let’s check it out. I registered the next day. Soon I was approved, and saw wow this is really active. This could be fun. And boy was it fun, this place called NBA Live Insomnia, would be my home for 3 years and counting.
The day I joined I noticed this was very different then Dribblin N Passin. A different kind of forum, and different features, and new members to know. And I wasn’t “The #2 guy” like I was on Dribblin N Passin. So I said, I better get to know these people. And so, I searched, there was this one guy, who made graphics, named Jarrod2323. Another person named Big Bid’Ness. Others called Kraig Harlow, bestkeptsecret13, and many more.
There was this funny little thing called the C-Box, at the top, it was a really kinky thing. You could chat while being on the board at the same time, I thought it was the coolest thing ever for a few days. In this C-Box, I got to know many of the members, and got myself into the SI books.
My first year was not the smoothest let’s just say that. For the longest time, I was known as a spammer, not the bright crayon in the box, and annoying. After all I was asking if I could be a mod or could implement ideas. But some of my ideas would turn out to be legendary. The SND? Created by yours truly, an idea I gave to slpnsld on Dribblin N’ Passin. The Article Section? I was the king of that. To this day, my best days on SI was creating articles. I loved it. And to this day, I hate the admins on SI for deleting all those articles I created. TELL ME YOUR NAME! NOW!!!
I was also the engineer and the writer of the Weekly Newsletter on this board for a while. After a while I thought this is unnecessary work but hey, all this work eventually paid off to a mod spot.
After about a year or so on SI, and getting to know the members well, I decided to tell the members a secret of mine. I’m gay. Many did not believe, and some thought it was attention, but no, I was gay. And honestly, you guys were the first people I told. Most accepted and moved on, but I wonder, how would this impact me on SI? Some to this day question if I am really gay, but you know what, I don’t need your approval or what you think about me, or what you think I am, I know who I am.
So let’s get down to the controversy. I was a controversial mofo. From penis pumpers to arguing and threatening CB4 and lakerfan. Also being known as SI’s king spammer. I was Mr. Controversy for about a year, but over the time, I calmed down, and I think the members got used to me.
My first love in sports was the Dallas Mavericks, still is. And I was obsessed with them then and I am still obsessed with them today. My dream to this day is to still be the Dallas Mavericks beat writer when I grow up. And this bias and love for my Mavs was met with some confrontations on SI. This was the first time I really ran into other passionate NBA fans. But thru SI I got to have really good discussions, but also realized the ups and downs of being an NBA fan. I learned my love for my team is about the same as other members love for there teams.
SI became a regular thing for me, and I quickly became one of the top posters. And I was a posting monster, I continued to post, and post, and post, and while I posted I got to know the members of SI as friends. Sure I had friends at school but I wasn’t exactly in the jock clique or known as much of a sports fan. I was known for being quiet but having a nice personality, and friendly.
SI has often times been a stress relief. None was greater evidence of this then just a few months ago, when my dad died of a heart attack. I was HEART BROKEN. I still to this day think and cry about him every day. We went to Mavericks games together, we were huge fans. And now I lost him. But I needed to move on, so I wanted to keep things regular, and instead of taking a long absence, I decided to return to my normal job on SI of posting and having fun.
Thru the times on SI I have seen a lot, and seen a lot happen in the sports world and in my life. Hell I moved from the city I was raised in to this new Midwestern city called Kansas City.
And so that’s my story, I could go on and on but I don’t want to spend my whole weekend talking about Rik Smits time, the switch to an IPB, or the legendary meloboy or GOAT, or the CB4/lakerfan article controversy, but you all know that stuff.
You guys really don’t care anymore do you. So I’ll do what you guys want now, it’s time for the shoutouts. Where do we begin....
Jarrod2323- I think I’ve said this before, but in case I didn’t, here it is. SI would have never survived without you. You brought maturity, an all around ability to perform in all aspects on SI, and you brought really in my mind leadership. You are what SI is. I just want to say thanks for EVERYTHING, god I can’t list everything, but thanks, and thanks for always being there. You’re an amazing person Jarrod Lundberg.
RipCity32- A FELLOW Dribblin N Pass boy! I got to know you on DNP, and some on SI, but we never really talked, but that changed over the past really 2 years, whenever you were connected to SI like I was. I admire your love for your Pistons, you’re a diehard like I am with my Mavs, and diehards are a dying breed in todays sporting world. You’re fun to talk to, and you like Bob Ross. But we need to change your values. Conservative Republican? EWWWW
Playmaker7- I’ve probably spent more time talking to him on AIM then any other member. We talked hockey, and everything else in the world. We had debates about issues and stuff, and we really connected. And I really miss him since his recent leave. I think it’s just because his Penguins suck, but IDK.
Bestkeptsecret13- He’s not technically my , but, well he is. He’s one of the originals too. I will never forget those late night AIM summer chats with you and Kraig. The creation of Will Peurdue and Rik Smits time. Our love for the member The Duck and Roberto Novoa. BTW, will you be alive whenever the Cubs win a world series?
Big Bid’Ness- The member I’ve always loved to with because I always thought he was so bland. But over time I realized he’s just a nice little fellow, but he’s not little. But seriously, no joking, you’re a great guy Cerron. All the joking back then and in the future, it’s all good. But can I still send you random ass PM’s? PLEASE?
Bibby.10- A newcomer to the scene. If I ever left SI, I would have predicted Greg to break my record in posts, but that is in question now after the Super bowl. And I was partly to blame. But hopefully you come back, because you were an amazing addition on SI. And I hope you can continue.
The Young One- My fellow KC boy. Over the past year we’ve really gotten along but I remember when things weren’t all that great. I remember whenever I hated on OJ and for a time there you thought I was Yanks being racist lol. And you were also in question to if I was gay too because of the Valentines day post. But don’t worry, I am gay, and you are one of my friends. Don’t worry, Royals and Chiefs will pwn soon. Been great knowing you, and hopefully we’ll be here together when Todd Haley holds up the NFL Championship trophy.
JoshHoward5- MY FELLOW MAVERICK FAN. MY LONE MAVERICK FAN. But terrible taste in his favorite college and the music he likes, I mean seriously, his music gives rock music it’s bad reputation as not being able to hear . But seriously, you’re fun to talk to, and if I ever got drunk and wanted to hang out with someone on SI it would be you, because you’re just cool like that.
Pugz- Give me Devin Harris. You’re a great guy, and a really good G-Mod, and a diehard Pistons fan. Give me Devin Harris BTW. You were another amazing addition to SI, you bring sports discussion and really a level head to all the discussion on SI. BTW give me Devin Harris. Our friendship is still growing, as long as Devin Harris is on my team.
ZigZag- Wow we’ve had a funky relationship. Wow I shouldn’t use that word for us LMAO. But seriously, don’t worry, I don’t like you, I just liked to with you for the longest time. I’m just that type of person, likes to with people. I still like to make fun of your entire pimp agenda . It’s cute though that you act all smart and act all BA whenever we know your just a little teddy bear. But, forget that, you’re a great guy, been amazing knowing you.
Mexi- Who the is this. I’ve never seen someone so addicted to following the NBA. And his graphics are pretty sick. That’s what I thought of Mexi. But to put on top of that, he’s an amazingly fair, and nice person. He speaks the truth, and is not biased for the most part. He’s a great fan, and a person person to know. Perfect person for the NBA mod spot.
Werebarret- To this day, my partner in crime. I definitely would have never got all the spam posts without you . But seriously, probably my favorite member of all-time. Amazingly knowledgeable when he needed to be. I don’t know anyone who knew the football talk better then him. But his craziness is what won him over. The SI Insane Thread is the greatest thread ever
Kraig- You miss my mom babe? My mom’s got a wetter then your slutty girl. COME HERE AND BRING IT, I WILL WHIP YOUR WIGGER ASS. But seriously man, you’re the creator, without you, there would be no 50,000 posts and no SI. So I respect you a lot man. Also you truly are a great NBA fan, and a great person. THE HATERS.
VC15- It’s hard for me to talk to any Nets fan after the Devin Harris trade lol. But anyways, you’re a great guy, a big time Jersey sports fan, and I respect diehards.
Captain Chronic- One of the people who gets overlooked a lot on SI, but I don’t over look you, you’re truly all around and a great member.
AFF3- Wow, I miss you. On AIM, and here, Great Sim League GM, and a great person. Always so nice and fair. But I hate you for what your team did in the 2006 NBA finals.
Instant Classic – I tooted. WOW, memories I know. But I have always admired your love for Duke, and JJ Redick. You’re definitely not the most popular member on SI, but you sure make it a lot more fun, and I have always been a fan of yours. Keep it up.
VC3/all other names- My other partner in crime, now banned, Loved ya, Goats