Falcons fined for showing Vick support

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Hall of Fame
Jul 17, 2006
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You guys keep pointing out "think if you were in that situation"...but why should I? I would never be dumb enough to put myself in that situation and if I were, I wouldn't be surprised when everyone turns their back on me.
If your not even thinking of yourself in his position then I'm really just not getting a point across to you

Your right, plenty of other people are involved in illegal and inhumane activities all over the World. Those people are just as much convicts as Michael Vick is...they just haven't been caught yet. Doesn't make them any better. Michael Vick deserves to get hammered more than anybody else though, he's in the spotlight and that's just the nature of the beast.
So, just because someones famous they should be punished even more harshly even if they make the same mistakes as other people?

I don't care how influential Vick was in Atlanta.
This is another reason why your just saying things of why he should get punished harshly, and why he did this and that but you don't even understand why these guys would even take shirts and write things on there faces

No matter who you argue this topic with, your most likely not going to get your point across.
Getting a point across to you might not happen regardless

Vick admitted to the wrong doing he did and hasn't even served a full month of the time he has coming to him...but already you guys are spinning it like Vick is a victim. I don't even like dogs but I have no respect for these high profile athletes that take their money and continue to live such a trashy lifestyle.
It's not like he's in charge of the whole operation it was mostly his cousin and others he wasn't even involved that much

I choose to respect guys like Warrick Dunn in this World. Go read his life story, what he had to go through as the elder sibling with no parents, how he accomplished so much with so little...and all the work he does now for single mothers all across the country. Michael Vick is a cock-roach in comparison to a guy like Dunn.
man I already know Dunn does alot he's just as loved in Atlanta as Vick but if Dunn got into this same sitaution there would still be people like you that come against people that support him in the bad days
of his life


Hall of Fame
Mar 31, 2007
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So, just because someones famous they should be punished even more harshly even if they make the same mistakes as other people?

This is another reason why your just saying things of why he should get punished harshly, and why he did this and that but you don't even understand why these guys would even take shirts and write things on there faces

It's not like he's in charge of the whole operation it was mostly his cousin and others he wasn't even involved that much
Michael Vick did not get too harsh of a punishment. He funded an illegal dogfighting ring which is both illegal gambling and inhumane treatment of animals. All the money that was gambled and passed along through these dog rings is considered laundering and the government certainly doesnt appreciate mass amounts of money changing hands w/o being taxed. Not only that but Vick also lied to the Feds when initially questioned about his involvement and it wasn't until his cronies started confessing his involvement, that he finally owned up. Vick took a plea deal that required him to work with authorities on the hunt for other dog fighting rings. Authorities didn't feel Vick was cooperative at all and isn't giving up the information he agreed to.

But even after all that nonsense...Vick tested positive for marijuana after being indicted. That right there really pissed the Judge off and didn't convince the Judge that he really is remorseful for his actions. Vick has apologized over and over again for his "involvement" but hasn't just admitted to anything specifically. What that Judge hasn't heard is an apology for killing those dogs, hence the Judge also doesn't feel Vick truly knows how much wrong he is. With all that being said...how is 2 years behind bars too many?

I understand why Roddy White and others wrote "Free Mike Vick" on their t-shirts, but it doesn't make them right. "Free Mike Vick" implies that they are making it look like he is a victim and he is wrongfully incarcerated...when in fact Mike Vick has gotten exactly what he deserves. I mean we aren't talking about Nelson Mandela here...the guy broke a number of laws and is lucky to only be serving 2 years.

Don't say Vick's cousin "did most of it" b/c thats just a bad attempt to defend Vick further on your part. That's you speculating, it's rediculous, and I havent heard 1 other person even make that claim other than Vick himself when he initially lied about his involvement.

It's all good though b/c Mike Vick "has turned to Jesus" and Jesus will get him to stop his dogfighting, gambling, lieing, and marijuana habits. He will do his time, get out of jail, and probably end up handing the ball off to Ricky Williams in the Arena League come 2009.


Well-Known Member
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Jun 10, 2006
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It actually does...you tried to bring the teaching of God into you're argument.

So I found a point you made that goes completely against one of God's core "rules"(for the lack of a better term). So wouldn't that be a double standard?

My point is this, AE is judging a man he has no right to judge, NONE of us have the right to judge him, thus the "He who has not sinned, cast the first stone." quote.

Therefore your post has nothing to do with my point, or Vick's situation for that matter.


Hall of Fame
Mar 31, 2007
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My point is this, AE is judging a man he has no right to judge, NONE of us have the right to judge him, thus the "He who has not sinned, cast the first stone." quote.

Therefore your post has nothing to do with my point, or Vick's situation for that matter.
As a citizen of the "Free World"...I have the right to judge whoever I want.

I am not religious in any way, shape, or form either. You can stop quoting Bible passages now, they don't mean anything to me.


Well-Known Member
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Jun 10, 2006
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As a citizen of the "Free World"...I have the right to judge whoever I want.

I am not religious in any way, shape, or form either. You can stop quoting Bible passages now, they don't mean anything to me.

Im just sharing what I believe in, no need to get defensive, but what gives you the right to judge him? i just wanna know....


Hall of Fame
Mar 31, 2007
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Im just sharing what I believe in, no need to get defensive, but what gives you the right to judge him? i just wanna know....
Your taking more offense than I am putting up defense here...and I thought I already covered the part about why I have the right to judge him already...


Living like a Don in my own mind
Hall of Fame
Sep 3, 2007
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Free World my ass... but anyhow. Judge whoever you want I say, Vick is just being supported by those that were close to him, the NFL is just trying to do the impossible, keeping its image clean. To me its a fine well worth it supporting those close to you. Some act like that people cant change at all, Vick may or might not change, only time will tell. I know plenty of people that have done worse, I've supported them, and they have turned it around. Its all up to Vick at this point, because at this point, anything else that anyone says is just words. All eyes on Vick for the next two years.


Hall of Fame
Mar 31, 2007
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Free World my ass... but anyhow. Judge whoever you want I say, Vick is just being supported by those that were close to him, the NFL is just trying to do the impossible, keeping its image clean. To me its a fine well worth it supporting those close to you. Some act like that people cant change at all, Vick may or might not change, only time will tell. I know plenty of people that have done worse, I've supported them, and they have turned it around. Its all up to Vick at this point, because at this point, anything else that anyone says is just words. All eyes on Vick for the next two years.
Well said Raskal.

Note the " " I included when I cited "Free World".
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