Kobe Bryant Trade Talk

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Hall of Fame
Apr 22, 2006
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Open your eyes, dont just pay attention to your hate/love man crush on Kobe, watch the team.
If a player doesn't trust his teammates, then he is probably too selfish, and just tries to pick his team up and carry them all.....hmmmm that sounds like someone on the Lakers. And his lack of trust in his teammates is probably one of the biggest problems on the team. You have to trust your teammates, just like in football, someone misses a block, you still have to trust them that they will get that block next time....its just how sports work.

Also if you read my post I pointed out specific examples of players other than Kobe, so clearly I wasn't just watching Kobe.....if a man is open and you have 2 guys on you.....you should pass.


Living like a Don in my own mind
Hall of Fame
Sep 3, 2007
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You pointed out only two examples. I dissected the entire game. Try again.\

Also I take it that you only bothered to read that final part of my post as you failed to refute my post.


Hall of Fame
Apr 22, 2006
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No you didn't.....where did you point out the entire game???? And i'm not talking about the whole game, i'm just talking about instances in where Kobe proved that he is selfish and doesn't trust his team. And nothing you say will change my mind, cause I saw the game last night, I saw some players make errors, like Walton scoring for the Rockets and other dropped passes, but just like I said you have to trust your teammate to make the play next time. Without trust your team is a bust.

And no I just didn't care to read all that crap.


Living like a Don in my own mind
Hall of Fame
Sep 3, 2007
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See, theres a fallacy in your argument, but simply stating that nothing anyone will say will change your mind, your argument has no value as you're simply going off ignorance.

Let me take two things out of my previous post.

Kobe is used to being around veterans, now that hes with this young team, its more over that not only does Kobe have to trust these young guys but these young guys have to earn Kobe's trust by proving that they could actually play for four full quarters, which they obviously shown they cant.

But wait... there's one guy on the team that Kobe was willing to give the ball to, Derek Fisher, why? Because he knows that Fisher can do the job consistently, Fisher has shown he could do the job consistently, he knows that Fisher knows how to win for a full season, and not just half of it.
Don't be an idiot, you dont just keep feeding it to guys that stop moving and become cold, this isn't football, two different sports, trust is a big factor yes, but like Maple posted with his stand on Ager in the other thread, you dont keep feeding it to guys that are cold for an entire quarter and expect them to suddenly get hot. That's plain idiotic and asking to lose the game.

But anyway to my question, on the other side of Kobe, besides Kobe needing to trust his teammates, what has this team done to earn Kobe's trust? They always always always deter in the second half, never do they play for a full game. What have they done to earn his trust?


Hall of Fame
Apr 22, 2006
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Well then let me ask this when did Kobe ever trust his team?

And even if people get cold a lot, thats their problem, and they need to fix it themselves, but you still need to trust that player to make the right decision whether its throw up an open shot, or pass the ball. Also most of the instances I pointed out weren't even shots, they would of been dunks or lay-ups right next to the basket.


Living like a Don in my own mind
Hall of Fame
Sep 3, 2007
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I'm not denying those few instances on the fast break where Kobe could've passed it, but there were times when Kobe did pass it for some nice dunks by Bynum and Brown as well, he didn't always take it in for himself.

But anyway...
Failing to answer the question again? LOL I could answer you simply by saying, what the hell have they done to earn it? You don't just give things away, especially something as shakey as the trust factor. You don't meet someone new in real life and trust them right off the bat do you? I fcking hope not.

That's the case with this young team. Like I said, there's a reason why Kobe trusts Fisher and passed up that three at the end of the game so that Fisher could take the two to tie it up. These young guys have yet to show that they could play for a full season much less an entire game. They haven't earned jack. Don't get me wrong, I like Farmar and Bynum, but nontheless they still make too many mistakes, their inexperience really shows.


Hall of Fame
Apr 22, 2006
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I don't trust people right off the bat...duh. But if I were on a team with the same people year in and year out....I would trust them, even if they are prone to mistakes from time to time.

And yes a saw a couple of those passes for easy dunks by Kobe, but the thing is later in the game when he was getting frustrated because fouls and crap wasn't going his way, then he just started taking it to the rim no matter who was gaurding him.

Oh and by the way the refs sucked in that game....on both sides.


#2 SG of all time #13
Hall of Fame
Jul 6, 2006
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Sportscenter reported about 5 minutes from the time of me writing this post, that this deal fell through:

Bulls get Kobe
Kings get Ben Gordon and Joakim Noah
Lakers get Ben Wallace and Ron Artest


for those who dont know, "fell through" means didnt happen...


Charmander CHAR CHAR!
Feb 3, 2006
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Wow I just heard that too. Crazy. Lakers are holding back though because they reportedly want Luol Deng and Chicago is not wanting to do that.


New Member
Mar 8, 2006
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LOL Ben Wallace and Ron Artest on the same team...that would be more drama than Kobe.


Hall of Fame
Feb 18, 2006
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More trades people get hyped about that don't ever happen...


#2 SG of all time #13
Hall of Fame
Jul 6, 2006
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lol PM7, you still think Kobe wont get traded?


Hall of Fame
Feb 18, 2006
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lol PM7, you still think Kobe wont get traded?
I still hold it true to my heart yes. Trades falling through doesn't equal a trade in my eyes. Man I bet you can't wait for the Lakers to suck balls! <_<


#2 SG of all time #13
Hall of Fame
Jul 6, 2006
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I still hold it true to my heart yes. Trades falling through doesn't equal a trade in my eyes. Man I bet you can't wait for the Lakers to suck balls! <_<
do you want someone who doesnt want to be on your team on your team?

i LOVE the Lakers, but i think its time to move on
why dont you go with your little Suns < _<


Hall of Fame
Feb 18, 2006
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do you want someone who doesnt want to be on your team on your team?

i LOVE the Lakers, but i think its time to move on
why dont you go with your little Suns < _<
Hmmm...thats funny...didn't Kobe just say he wants to play his whole career with Los Angeles, then he said "but business is business". How does that make him unhappy?

Please don't talk about me liking the Suns cuz liking UCLA and USC, which is a REAL RIVALRY, is 100x worse...


#2 SG of all time #13
Hall of Fame
Jul 6, 2006
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Hmmm...thats funny...didn't Kobe just say he wants to play his whole career with Los Angeles, then he said "but business is business". How does that make him unhappy?

Please don't talk about me liking the Suns cuz liking UCLA and USC, which is a REAL RIVALRY, is 100x worse...
i dont like UCLA and USC
until I actually go to College, i am indifferent
If UCLA wins, oh ok good for them
If USC wins, oh ok good for them


Hall of Fame
Feb 18, 2006
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i dont like UCLA and USC
until I actually go to College, i am neutral/undecided
If UCLA wins, oh ok good for them
If USC wins, oh ok good for them
I remember you saying that before the last time you brought up the Lakers and Suns...

Don't question my fanhood in front of the ladies... :rolleyes:


Living like a Don in my own mind
Hall of Fame
Sep 3, 2007
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I don't trust people right off the bat...duh. But if I were on a team with the same people year in and year out....I would trust them, even if they are prone to mistakes from time to time.

And yes a saw a couple of those passes for easy dunks by Kobe, but the thing is later in the game when he was getting frustrated because fouls and crap wasn't going his way, then he just started taking it to the rim no matter who was gaurding him.

Oh and by the way the refs sucked in that game....on both sides.
Another problem with your argument that I failed to notice earlier before I left... you're going off subjectivity. You're going off what YOU want, you're seeing it from YOUR perspective, you're going off cognitive dissonance, you're reinforcing what you believe in rather then trying to rationally put things together. Not everyone in the world is like YOU. It's as simple as that, with the many different personalities the NBA has, what you believe a team should be like doesn't mean jack squat in the NBA unless you're a head coach.

So you fall into the cliche of what teamwork is, what a leader is, and that a leader should pass the ball. A leader can be defined in many ways especially in sports. What you're arguing is that you prefer the leader that gets the team involved through passing and believing they could do the job regardless. It has only been three years. Kobe isn't used to being that type of leader. Kobe has always lead by example, getting the job done while others followed suit, thats how its been ever since his days at Lower Merion. Until suddenly hes had to take a different type of leadership role. That's a BIG change in anyones game when they have to do that, especially since before the team drastically changed from championship form to scrubs, hes always been a scorer, a facilitator was never his job in the triangle. It's not even his job as a shooting guard, he's supposed to score anyway.

So in short. This entire team is at fault. They fail to perform for a full game thus not gaining his trust. Oh and, I don't know if you were paying attention to the game last night, but I seem to recall the HC Phil Jackson himself telling Kobe to not worry about facilitating. That he put Kobe at the point of attack, he told him not to worry about facilitating, that he should just worry about doing what he does best so that he could get things off his shoulders, he left Fisher to do the ball passing. Defending Kobe? Partially, but its a fact, thats the role PJax gave to Kobe last night.

Oh and this is from earlier but...
And no I just didn't care to read all that crap.
This is why guys like CC06 and I post. You guys don't bother to argue. We actually argue/debate and bring validity to our points, rather then you guys just saying one thing and just stick to that. That's why it's so fun to piss you guys off ;D

The Guid

The Guid abides
Hall of Fame
Mar 31, 2006
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Another problem with your argument that I failed to notice earlier before I left... you're going off subjectivity. You're going off what YOU want, you're seeing it from YOUR perspective, you're going off cognitive dissonance, you're reinforcing what you believe in rather then trying to rationally put things together. Not everyone in the world is like YOU. It's as simple as that, with the many different personalities the NBA has, what you believe a team should be like doesn't mean jack squat in the NBA unless you're a head coach.

So you fall into the cliche of what teamwork is, what a leader is, and that a leader should pass the ball. A leader can be defined in many ways especially in sports. What you're arguing is that you prefer the leader that gets the team involved through passing and believing they could do the job regardless. It has only been three years. Kobe isn't used to being that type of leader. Kobe has always lead by example, getting the job done while others followed suit, thats how its been ever since his days at Lower Merion. Until suddenly hes had to take a different type of leadership role. That's a BIG change in anyones game when they have to do that, especially since before the team drastically changed from championship form to scrubs, hes always been a scorer, a facilitator was never his job in the triangle. It's not even his job as a shooting guard, he's supposed to score anyway.

So in short. This entire team is at fault. They fail to perform for a full game thus not gaining his trust. Oh and, I don't know if you were paying attention to the game last night, but I seem to recall the HC Phil Jackson himself telling Kobe to not worry about facilitating. That he put Kobe at the point of attack, he told him not to worry about facilitating, that he should just worry about doing what he does best so that he could get things off his shoulders, he left Fisher to do the ball passing. Defending Kobe? Partially, but its a fact, thats the role PJax gave to Kobe last night.

Oh and this is from earlier but...

This is why guys like CC06 and I post. You guys don't bother to argue. We actually argue/debate and bring validity to our points, rather then you guys just saying one thing and just stick to that. That's why it's so fun to piss you guys off ;D
let me just say...that this brings back some good old times


Hall of Fame
Apr 22, 2006
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and let me say this....if you post more than a paragraph...i'm not gonna read it....I have better things to do with my time.

Sportscenter reported about 5 minutes from the time of me writing this post, that this deal fell through:

Bulls get Kobe
Kings get Ben Gordon and Joakim Noah
Lakers get Ben Wallace and Ron Artest
Actually it was PJ Brown not Joakim Noah....at least thats what they said during the Cavs/Mavs game.
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