[The Players' Tribune]: Setting The Record Straight


King Of The East
Hall of Fame
Jan 22, 2006
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“Hey Josh, before you start thinking otherwise, this is my team” “Josh stop playing as if you’re the best player on the team” “You are the sole reason this team is failing.”
Those are things I heard in my short time in Sacramento, and that is just the tip of the damn iceberg. That franchise is the most toxic environment I’ve ever been part of in my life. Between the players, staff, upper management, everyone. My name is Josh Smith and this is my version of the story.
If you’re reading this, I’d assume you saw the recent interview of the GM of the Kings completely throwing me under the bus (and if you haven’t I do encourage you to go read it). But how about we start there. What kind of general manager goes on the record and just slams a former player like that? That kind of just gives you the backdrop of the type of environment Sacramento is. THAT is the type of person “leading” the charge. Did he happen to tell them the stories about coming to watch practices hungover every other time he was there? The dude is just not a good person. He can sit there and cite Belichick all he wants (and honestly I can’t fathom why a guy like coach Belichick would associate himself with this dude), but the fact of the matter is he doesn’t give a shit about what anyone thinks other than………drum roll please…………princess Dwight!
You want to know the real problem with that dumpster fire Sacramento? That man-child Dwight Howard. Man look, I know I’m only 25. But I’ve been in this league for quite a while already and have played this game for as long as I can remember. Never have I played and associated with a guy that was so childish, whiny, immature, and just overall an awful teammate. Don’t get me wrong, the dude is a great player, not something I can take away from him. But this guy was the issue with that team, not me, not David, not coach. He made it very clear day 1 that this was “his team.” The reason it was so imperative I was removed from that team was the fact I questioned him daily. That idiot in charge over there was 100% right when he said that. DWest and I were constantly on him because you can’t declare that “this is my team” and not put in the work necessary to show us that. Look I have no problem playing second fiddle to someone else, but I do have a problem playing second fiddle to a guy who doesn’t put the work in that I do. I’ve always lived my life by the phrase “lead by example.” I’ve always worked harder than everyone else, my whole life, so teammates always respected me as a leader. I’ve never sat there and declared myself a leader, it was just natural.
Dwight on the other hand, he commanded be the leader. But you go talk to anyone who played with him last year, he didn’t give it anywhere near 100% in practice. He quit on his team during games. He had no interest in making the team better. Yeah, I’m sure he did feel “he carried the team on his back” because he is either too arrogant or too stupid to see the bigger picture behind everything. And really it just got to the point we just quit on him the way he quit on us. Dwight was constantly in management’s ears. He is point blank, a snitch. What kind of man tells on his teammates, and primarily feed management lies? A boy does that kind of shit, not a man.
So yeah I don’t really feel bad quitting on a person and team like that. If you want to spin it that I’m the problem then go for it. I’m not going to sit here and act like I don’t know he is a better player than I am. I’m not even the type of guy who does things like make an article ripping teammates and staff, but I do have a problem when my name is dragged through the mud and people starting wondering if I’m a “cancer” in the locker-room. But I will say that I feel bad for that dude Kawhi they just drafted, because I’d imagine it is only a matter of time before they poison that young mans mind too.
I would like to add that there is absolutely ZERO bad blood between DWest and myself. That’s my brother man. And the fact that interview made it sound like there was a divide between him and I was another reason I wanted to write this piece.  I love David and we actually speak almost daily. I told him I was making this and he said while we wouldn’t go as public about it that he would back me up 100% on everything I said. He just got that fat deal in New Orleans, couldn’t be happier for him. Go out and ball my brother!
As for me, also couldn’t be happier. Think a lot of people see Milwaukee and think it is a horrible place to play, which couldn’t be further from the truth. Haven’t been there long, but man that community loves its team. Lot of young guys in that locker-room, but it’s a great environment. I’m sure you could ask any one of them and they’ll let you know I’m not some sort of monster or team “cancer.” We will be a force in the league in due time. Keep on the lookout.


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Jun 10, 2006
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