Oilers' Cheer Squad

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Hall of Fame
Mar 31, 2007
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Canada's 1st NHL cheer squad...secksay...

Meet lovely ladies of Oilers Octane, Canada's 1st NHL cheer squad
The Edmonton Oilers have officially unleashed Oilers Octane on our buttoned-up, traditionalist neighbours to the north, who are no doubt flooding the Rexall Place switchboard demanding those hemlines should be longer or that the women should be wearing sensible shoes instead of sexy go-go boots or ...

... aw, who are we kidding? Braving the Albertan winter for professional hockey, and a lovely girl-next-door dressed like a stewardess on a 1979 Oilers team charter greets you at the arena? And that's before watching Taylor Hall(notes) in regulation and Linus Omark(notes) in the shootout? Sign us up.

The Octane team has a page full of biographies and photos of the cheer squad members; and while we'd never judge what is, after all, in the eye of the beholder ... well, suffice it to say we're still partial to the Dallas Stars ice girls and their Lake Day adventures. To each their own.

So the petitions did nothing and the anti-cheer forces have been pom-pom'd into defeat. From the Oilers:
The Edmonton Oilers announced today the launch of the first-ever Canadian NHL Cheer Team called the Oilers Octane. The Oilers Octane consists of 19 women aged 18-29 who competed with over 100 talented dancers to earn a spot on Octane, to meet the team visit www.oilersoctane.com. In addition to performing at Oilers home games, helping with promotions and interacting with fans, the Cheer Team will soon begin participating in charity fund raising and special events throughout Oil Country acting as ambassadors for Edmonton and your Oilers Hockey Club.
Here is your 2010 Oilers Octane cheer squad, in all its glory:

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Our only regret? That they didn't call them the Drillers. Or the Pumpers. Or the Gushers. OK, maybe Octane will do fine, on second thought.

LOL @ last sentece


New Member
Jan 21, 2008
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The drillers. Oh my god.. Hilarious.

This is the best thing the Oilers have done since taking my boy Hall.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2008
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Let me be the first person to say.
This is one of the few joys of watching an Oilers game.
Those ladies, God damn!
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