thanks again.. still some small bg around hands on most.. (toughest to do for me, too)... and Hinrich's hair looks funny -- another toughie in the cut business.
not sure if you use these tricks, but these might help
always put a layer underneath the render colored in neon light green.. helps find any hidden BG u can miss on transparent BG. you can then just hide when done.
on balls, use circle tool and erase around edges instead of using lasso or pen tool
on hair, try use soft eraser to get around messy hair edges.
thanks for the tips man. on balls, i make a duplicate of the picture and use the elliptical marquee tool, then select inverse and delete them, then merge onto the cutout. that helps a lot. the kirk hinrich cut was one of my earlier cuts so i didn't know how to use that method yet.
I fixed all the bg problems I could see on the first Ben Gordon. And I tried my best at the hair of Hinrich, but that's his hair is on the picture so I can't really do anything about it. Also, I can't seem to spot anything else on the other cuts. If there is tell me.