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  1. Bozo The Clown


    Week 7 POTW Harden $1 $11
  2. Bozo The Clown


  3. Bozo The Clown

    Celtics $9 $10
  4. Bozo The Clown


    Celtics send: Giannis Turner Bradley Clippers send: Tobias Kuofos Watts $9 Yep I hate myself
  5. Bozo The Clown

    Sim 11-03 (Days 21-30) Results

    At least that proves he’s genuinely good and not just stats
  6. Bozo The Clown

    Commish's Power Rankings Vol. 11

    We keep losing games we shouldn’t lose
  7. Bozo The Clown

    Sim 11-03 (Days 21-30) Results

    Terrible sim for me
  8. Bozo The Clown

    Commish's Power Rankings Vol. 11

    we need to change a lot lol we're trash
  9. Bozo The Clown

    Sim 11-02 (Days 11-20) Results

    Harden came back for the last 5 games and Embiid missed the last 2 and is injured now :)
  10. Bozo The Clown

    Official League Chat Thread

    I tagged CC on groupme, idk how to link or invite to it or if we even can (I think it's closed)
  11. Bozo The Clown


    Harden POTW 1 $1 $1
  12. Bozo The Clown

    Sim 11-01 (Days 1-10) Results

    My man is doing what he was born for
  13. Bozo The Clown

    Commish's Power Rankings Vol. 11

    Nice. We should be lower.
  14. Bozo The Clown


    Top tier content
  15. Bozo The Clown

    2020 Free Agency

    Just don’t look at Warriors roster lol. Sydnor is B+ A- as a rookie
  16. Bozo The Clown

    2020 Free Agency

    Evan Turner okay
  17. Bozo The Clown

    Warriors Transaction Trees

    Also missed this article but this was great. Never forget the key role Sean Williams has played for both of us *clown emoji*
  18. Bozo The Clown

    Warriors Player Development

    I just found out this article exists, feels bad man