had to make an internet banner for class so I made one for SI since it was the only thing I even could think of to make an advertisement for.
personally yeah id make the lines all white instead of with the gradient. purely because this piece draws the eyes specifically to the darks and it flows from top to bottom so the first thing I'm drawn to is those lines, which i guess is okay but maybe not ideal? its really really nice though...
Its LeVeon. Problem is Hill outperformed Gio last week...idk if Gio is gonna get all the touches but I don't want to not start someone who's playing the Bucs which is why I'm tempted to go with Hill and Gio
So I have Cromwell, Bell, Jeremy Hill and Gio Bernard. Who do I start? Torn between Crowell and Bell or Gio and Hill. Open to other suggestions as well
So I'm following this week at work on my phone. Picked up Jeremy Hill for Gio this week. Did Hill get injured? Says he's out on Yahoo but then got an update that he got a TD?