The NBA doesn't need any more teams anyways. There is a huge talent differential between the top level teams and bottom level. There are probably only six team that have an actual chance of winning the NBA championship.
If you follow golf you would know John Daly gets slammed. ESPN makes a huge deal about Big Ben's allegations all the time. Everyone talks shit about Brett Favre all the time. Tiger Woods' race has never played a factor in anything that has ever been said about him.
Race does not play a role...
There we go, the word race gets broughten into you. Does anyone bring up what Ray Lewis did? No. Does anyone publicize what Dante Stallworth did? No. Does anyone bring up Big Ben every chance they get? Yes. He is white. Tiger Woods gets criticized all the time. Race has nothing to do it. John...
You don't do things in the community because you want to bring your reputation back up. That defeats the purpose of it. I have never thought of Vick as a bad person at all. He did some garbage things and became sorry for those things because he got caught. That is generally when people are...
Ok, saying he did his time because he did more time than Stallworth, TI, Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton, fill in the blank is not a valid argument. Everyone knows Stallworth and TI should have done more time. It is the society we live in.
Point is that Vick should have done more time for what he...
I found this site while browsing around. I haven't posted to a forum in a while, but would like to get back into it. Hopefully this site is a good one to post on.