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  1. SoFly

    Allo mates.

    Thank you and best of luck to you in life.
  2. SoFly

    Rip's 20k Party

    I got one questions. What in the world do you do to post that much? I never in my life had 2K posts on a forum, an you guys had 20K holy crap thats a lot. But congratulations bro.
  3. SoFly

    Allo mates.

    Dude I wish I was 14, but still be the same high right now 6'0" an I would push my self so hard that when I turn 17 I would be a top 10 player in state. Bro what ever your doing right now, if your playing any sports. If your my hight or something like that or smaller dude try out for football...
  4. SoFly

    Allo mates.

    Thank you thank you, thats my I'm working my ass off right now. I've been eating a lot since my goal is to be 260 pounds but I need to run 4.8 or 4.9 an I'll be good. How old are you folks?
  5. SoFly

    Allo mates.

    On April 21st, I got a e-mail from this place in Texas, to come to their combine. Currently I went to the combine in Pittsburgh (Nike Sparq) an there was like over 2,000 kids, I place 37th in my position, so that means I ranked 37th in state (PA). Well I got this invitation to the national...
  6. SoFly

    Allo mates.

    I got invited to the national combine in Texas on May 9th an May 10th. I can show you the e-mail I got where do you think I should make the thread at?? If you guys want to see how it looks like an stuff.
  7. SoFly

    Allo mates.

    American Football is in my heart bro, thats the only thing in the world that can help me support my family so I'm pushing my self to the limits, just so I can make it to the next level.
  8. SoFly

    Allo mates.

    This one dude gave me it on another forum he said he made it so I was like HOT, looks beastly...
  9. SoFly

    Allo mates.

    Nah, I live in Carlisle, PA. And I'm from Bosnia.
  10. SoFly

    Allo mates.

    Thanks for the warm welcome mate, I'm a hardcore Detroit Pistons fan.
  11. SoFly

    Allo mates.

    Allo everyone my name is Asmir, and I post on other forums an stuff but if you're going to ask me how did I get here to tell you the truth I got here because I seen a sig of yours, I right-clicked on it an seen a website an it looked weird so I just checked it out an saw this place an looks...