He wished injury on someone which is obviously wrong Baggs. Dogfighting is wrong but at least Vick has proved he was sorry. I understand what you mean, everyone is entitled to their own thoughts, but why did he have to make this public? This would no longer make it a thought, it's more for...
Even though you're saying he did NOT do his time. Your argument is barely valid considering he's done service to the community to bring his reputation back up and has shown that he has changed. The Human Society has even said he could actually have a dog soon. I don't know how you can't agree...
It's obvious he knows he's wrong. The past is the past and he's changing himself for the future. Vick wont pay attention to this at all though, it's just hate.
Mark Buehrle on Michael Vick.
Wow. Michael Vick makes a comeback and did what he needed to do to get most people's hearts back and there is always someone who has to step in and say something hateful after...
Try adding in your text first and be more creative with how you do it. Doesn't need to be fancy. Can be simple, but it has to go with the feel of the sig.